NHT 2.9 or B&W CDM9NT

Yes I know, what a strange pairing. I have listened to both, and they are very, very different. The problem is, I liked both of them very much. So what's a guy to do?

Maybe if any of you that have heard both (owned both?) were to comment on your experience, it might reinforce or clarify my own thoughts.

I like most all music, but mostly classical (both chamber and orchestral), jazz (acoustic and electronic), some pop rock, etc. No head banging for me, but I must admit I ruled out my favorites, the Maggie 1.6QR because of the lack of bass. I would like to stay in the low $2k range, and to add a good sub to the Maggies puts it out of range.

Oh yes - I am waiting to purchase amp/pre-amp until I decide on speakers, but I plan on spending around $1,500 for an amp (I prefer tubes, but with these speakers I may have to opt for ss).

Your thoughts are very welcome and appreciated.

Showing 1 response by kthomas

I, too, can only comment on the NHT's. I owned a pair of the 2.9's for about 2 1/2 years and would pretty much mimic Jimmy's feedback - I was very satisfied with them for all the same reasons and at $1300/pr used, they're an excellent buy. My listening tastes are almost exactly the opposite (lots of rock, some jazz/blues, no classical), and bass is essential to me. The 2.9's have excellent integrated bass, probably as good as you'll find in that price range. The one thing I would add as a possible detraction - I listened to mine mostly in a dedicated environment. I don't know how I'd like them in a living room while I was walking around. -Kirk