Next step: preamp or phono preamp

After 14 weeks my power amplifier arrived. For the last few weeks it’s been burning in beautifully.

Since vinyl is my primary listening I want to ask what my next step should be. My plan had been a tube preamp next as I’m currently using a Schiit SYS as a stop gap. But maybe the phono would be a better starting spot? My TT will be replaced and isn’t anything to write about (Project DC with 2M Blue) at some point as well.

I know where I will end up but am looking for guidance on the order of steps to get there as everything will need to be done piece by piece.

Current phonostage is a Lounge LCR MKIII

Showing 4 responses by mesch

Given you are looking for a line stage preamp, a separate phonostage, and replacing your TT and cartridge, I suggest you first purchase the line stage pre that mates well with your amplifier. Then consider the phonostage and TT/cartridge together. 
Well, since you have decided on the pre and phonostage then trying the phonostage with the SYS 1st might prove interesting. You may possibly decide to upgrade the TT/cartridge prior to the linestage pre. Not sure about phonostage compatibility with passive pre however.  I own a SYS, most to play around with in secondary systems. Only driven by DACs with high output. 
Since the SYS/Lounge seem to play well into your amplifier, I believe an upgrade in TT/Tonearm/cartridge will make a significant improvement in your overall experience. The source sets the limit on what can be derived from a system. Maybe you should consider working from the source back toward the amplifier. That said, one could easily spend as much on a vinyl front end as on electronics (amp/preamp/phonostage) and have a balanced system. I imagine your amp ran ~$1200, the basic Candela lists at $1600, and the basic Suspiro lists at $1200. The Suspiro phonostage seems to be very flexible in terms of gain and loading options. More so than the Lounge. It should mate well with a number of cartridges.  

In a vinyl system, the two transducers, speaker and cartridge, contribute the most to the character of a system. Which begs the question: What speakers are you using?

I do like the VPI turntables. If I was looking for one I would be looking for a used VPI Classic 1. They originally sold for ~$2500, sans cartridge. Given you have a system in play now you can afford to take your time and 'get it right'. You are wise to purchase speakers after move. So many great monitors that play well into smaller spaces available today. 

I took ~3years putting together my 1st high end system which I kept for 25 years. Spent about the same putting together both systems I now own. My main system consists of a tube line level preamp driving a solid state amplifier. Speakers are 2-way monitors. I went with digital as primary source, though i still have my turntable from my first system (purchased in 1983). 

I came close to buying a Odyssey Khartago amplifier, however happened on to a used BEL 1001 MK5. Most of my components were purchased used.