Next step after B&W 802D


I'm looking for upgrading my speakers. Would anybody have a suggestion for replacement of B&W 802D which would clearly improve?

System basicly is ARC REF3, Kronzilla SX, EMT 950, Lexicon RT10 (additional digital front end will be added soon) and all Cardas Golden Reference Cabling. (is on A'gon)

Thanks for your suggestions and input.
With your amp, its not enough to drive the N802 as many here aired out.
I think your amp would work better with the Sophia 2 Or get one of those solid state amp from Accuphase and it will drive your N802 well.
Maybe you should try (more?)room treatments at the 1st reflection points before changing any components. Those bare walls(pic have got to seriously affect imaging, soundstage, clarity, etc.

Proper treatment might even raise the performance of your system, overall, to the point that a speaker change is not necessary.
Give a listen to the Vandersteen 5A's. They are easier to drive, can be tuned to your room, and sounds much better.
I have a pair of Eggleston Nines that I throughly enjoy and have had for a few months. I am familiar with the 802 as well and there is no comparison. The Egglestons are much more extended and their sound is truely holographic when used with the right equipment. They may not have the slam that the B&W's do with my sytem because I ony have 75 watts of tube power but they are truely magical. I want my speakers to disappear and these do that very well. I have heard and owned many other great speakers but these are truly at another level. Bass definition is a good as it gets, no boom just music. Please audition a pair and if you are in South Florida let me know.