Next step after B&W 802D


I'm looking for upgrading my speakers. Would anybody have a suggestion for replacement of B&W 802D which would clearly improve?

System basicly is ARC REF3, Kronzilla SX, EMT 950, Lexicon RT10 (additional digital front end will be added soon) and all Cardas Golden Reference Cabling. (is on A'gon)

Thanks for your suggestions and input.

Showing 2 responses by blackstonejd

Well, I would look at speakers by Wilson, Eggleston Works, and Magnepan. I would also look at the B&W Nautilus 800D.
By the way, with those speakers you really need a reference digital front end like a dCS or Esoteric before you can hear what they can really do. I would upgrade front-end components first.