next CD Player

I currently have a Rega Apollo CDP. Looking for the next step up for a player. I like the Apollo, but am I going to get a higher level of improvement for not much more $$$? Currently using a DK Design MKII Integrated and Devore Fidelity Nines (Speakers). Any thoughts?
Skip that step and proceed directly to the Saturn...still real world priced and with the money for your Apollo should not break the bank!
Check it out!
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I have not heard the Marantz,but if John says it's good--believe him!!!
Audition the JAS audio Musik 1.2 if you can.It is a great sounding player for the $$$!

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Agree with the Saturn recommendation, if you must have another CD player, but I would also say that you are not going to get that much more quality in the digital world without spending a very large amount of money on a completely different type of set-up. I would keep the Apollo - that's what I use myself. The digital world is moving towards things like music servers - I have bought my last CD player, and I would suggest that you may have as well.
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Hi Tvad - no, I have not heard the Modwright, nor the PrimaLuna tubed CD player, either, which I have also heard is great. These tubed players would be interesting to hear. I do, however, have very high efficiency speakers which are very revealing of any deficiencies in source components or material. I chose the Rega Apollo because of their efforts to make it sound as analog-like as possible, and it certainly does come closer to that than all of the other (non-tubed) CD player I have heard, including several that cost thousands more, hence the comment I made.
I just bought a used Cary 306/200 and I have the same amp as you do. For about 1500 used this cd player just makes the music right with the DK integrated. I was blown away by the Cary. I have used the Sony and the Berendsen CDP II and the Cary is in a different league. It makes you want to play music all day.

Good luck.