Newest iPhone

anyone here upgrade to Apple's latest?

If so, post some thoughts/impressions...

Showing 1 response by ptss

I just got an Apple iphone 5S on 26th. I love it compared to my Blackberry. I'm 63, and never used video telephone before; but have already used Facetime to a couple of close buddies and it's so easy-and cool. Easy is important to me as I've suffered a head injury and I find the iphone much easier than the Blackberry. To give you an idea of my challenges; when I first saw the screen of an iphone with multiple boxes, 3 yrs ago--I wouldn't even look into it as it appeared too complicated! Plus everyone using it was fast and everything was different. I'm now very happy this phone is so easy to use. It has already improved my life (which I never dreamed I'd be saying about a phone). And because Apple has tutorials that can be taken multiple times I expect to improve in its use and enjoyment.