Newbie with some turntable, cable, pre-amp, and speaker questions.

I am very new to "higher end" audio equipment and I have a few questions for the professionals. I thought I bought a decent used system until I saw a pair of $25k speaker for sale on one of the pages here. By no means did I think I purchased anything "amazing" but those speakers were certainly a reality check! lol :) Wood cones?!

I’ve always wanted a nice sound system for my house, nothing crazy, but something I can play pretty loud and not distort the speakers.
I ended up buying a used H/K AVR 7300 and some Polk LSi 15s, Center, and a RSW 400. Paid $675 for the lot and I’m pretty happy with what I got.
I definitely need to complete the surround and would like to find at least a set of F/X’s and possibly 7’s to finish it off.

This system is probably substandard to most, but for a newbie with my 1st decent sound system...I am absolutely elated with the sound I am getting out of what I have. I’m not sure I want to even listen to a very high end system as I’d like to enjoy what I can actually afford!

I have a few questions about some items I received with the lot and some accessries I am looking for.
I would like to add a turntable to the system, and would like to get some opinions on H/K models that would be best to match up with what I have. I don’t need anything super high end, but don’t mind keeping my eye out for the best possible one to grab either. I’ve also been told I’ll need a pre-amp if I want to add a TT...not sure why, but if this is accurate, I’ll need some advice there as well.
Also, the system came with Monster cables but the ends are cracked and are now useless. Does anyone know if they honor their LT Warranty to 2nd owners?

Finally, if anyone has a pair of LSi F/X’s...I am looking to buy a pair immediately. I’m located in North Western NJ.
Thank you all in advance for any info you can pass along. It is much appreciated.
Fwiw, my surround system speaker set up is all Polk, vintage but Polk nonetheless.  R/L front 3.1TL, center Cs350l, surround FX500. Had it that way for a long time and am not changing it. I've heard a lot of systems but like mine the best. No all that expensive either but totally audiophile.

I don't own a even remotely high end system either but got an Audio Technica AT5 TT I am really enjoying with an Ortofon Blue . I play it through a Yamaha RX V779 receiver in stereo mode, with a pair of Boston Acoustic 210. I use small Yamaha speakers for surround and center channels. I also have a Samsung 4K Bluray player hooked up as well to listen to CDs. 

Judging by by the fantastic equipment I've learned about on posts here, I'd guess I have the cheapest rig on theses forums!

Even so, I think it sounds good and I get a lot of enjoyment from it. Getting back into records has been a lot of fun. Some vinyls sound fantastic, others just sound ok but I can say the same of my CDs. I'm happy my system lets me hear the differences and subulties in different recordings.
lol, you guys are funny. No need for banter, just looking to get some info from the pros.
I'm a clean slate at this point and I have no preference towards analogue gear or digital. I assume it is just a personal choice.
I am happy with my music sounding really good when it's loud. As long as I'm not distorting speakers...I'm pretty happy. 
I'm mostly into classic rock and I am a HUGE Floyd fan. I enjoy sitting in the middle of my living room, drink in hand, and just listening to loud music. 
I'll listen to mostly anything but country, rap, or R&B. Everything else is fair game though...even classical and big band. lol

I do appreciate the feedback so far and I'll certainly take all advice into consideration. 

Question, what am I not going to get out of this HK receiver that I would get out of an analogue unit. Are these AVR receivers juat not capable of picking up certain sounds in the music? 
I'm not going to lie, the first time I turned this system on, I couldn't believe the sound that was coming out of it! Guess that's from not knowing any better. :)

Swampwalker, I used an old cheap-o Pioneer All in One system. I've never owned a good system before. Trying to up my game just a little bit. :)

@willemj -- The problem we still have with digital media is access to good source material; Chromecast Audio may be capable of streaming 24 bit, 96Khz files, but if the music on your device is Redbook quality (16 bit, 44Khz) or less, you are not going to hear the detail that you find in vinyl recordings.

Moreover, analog equipment does not have to be expensive to appreciate this difference. I recently found a fairly good quality used turntable for $150 on Craigslist, paired it with a $120 Nagaoka 110 cartridge, and the sound is noticeably better than I get from my CDs on a $1300 Cambridge CXU. This is not a knock on the CXU; it is a good unit, with a solid transport and decent DAC, but it cannot create detail that isn’t there in a 16/44 format.  Yes, you can get up to 24/96 resolution with a subscription to Tidal Masters (for $30/mo), but their library of HiDef material is very thin. Until we have dependable access to a comprehensive library of Hi-Res digital recordings, I will be very happy to hold onto my vinyl.