
Responses from dgassie

Whats playing on your system today?
Bob Dylan- Fallen Angels + Large Scotch on the rocks  ; ) 
Brand new to vinyl: Help!
Align the cartridgeUpgrade to the Ortofon Blue needle. It fits on your Red cartridge and is only $200. It tracks well at about 1.80 gramsUpgrade RCA interconnects.I use an acrilyc mat. Some people prefer rubber or cork. Yes...it makes a difference... 
Newbie with some turntable, cable, pre-amp, and speaker questions.
I don't own a even remotely high end system either but got an Audio Technica AT5 TT I am really enjoying with an Ortofon Blue . I play it through a Yamaha RX V779 receiver in stereo mode, with a pair of Boston Acoustic 210. I use small Yamaha spea... 
Diana Krall
Never seen her live but like how her records are nicely recorded. 
Looking for not too expensive Turntable
I'm very happy with an Audio Technica LP AT5 I bought. Changed the factory cartridge for an Orfoton Blue and substituted the included rubber mat for an acrylic one. Also hooked it up with my higher end interconnects. It sounds really good for a $4... 
My turntable hates Cat Stevens
Old thred but....Same Cat Stevens album running on a Dual 1019 with an Orfoton Blue and have the same sibilance problem. It's the only album in my collection that does that.