Newbie to the awesome audiophile world

hi all, i'm a new member here and looking to learn from here of starting a stereo system. I'm thinking a basic 2 channel amp that can power a pair of floor standing speakers. I'm currently eyeing a pair of bowers & Wilkens cm9 or kef iq9 both used of course (my budget is around 2k for the setup) so around 1000 for the speakers or about 1000 for the amp. Given the speakers, what are your thought on amps to pair with them that provide the best sounding? I'm looking for high fidelity sound over raw power. 

thanks all for viewing and helping this newbie out.
Rather cynical rok2id??

Not my intent, but, you would think that with all these audiophiles and all this gear, there would consensus on something.   At least ONE thing.   And EVERYONE speaks their opinion with Authority.   What's a newbie to do?

My advice:  spend as little as possible until you have the experience to know for yourself.

So I was/am in a similar budget room as he is. I started with a $350 rotel  995 preamp and 1050 amplifier, a pair of klipsch Cornwall verticals I got for about 700, techniques 1500 turntable for about 200, a shiitte modi 3 Dac 100, with a cheap $50 Bluetooth from Best Buy. 200.00 cables and an old but good sony cd player 200 and 150.00 power conditioner and surge protection.
Not the greatest set up but around 2000 bucks after searching and buying and selling Online for about a year or so. Since then I’ve added klipsch lascalas, corner horns, Heresys and various tube amps for other listening rooms.  It takes time and I’m slowly upgrading things as I go, for instance just added a beautiful Sota sapphire turntable that I get a great deal on and another luxman amp.
to me the best advice is to get Super Efficient high-quality old-school speakers a decent newer solid-state amp to start, good cables, a nice dac entry level like blue sound or similar and at least to start  with a run-of-the-mill turntable That won’t break the bank.  The high-efficiency speakers let You have a foot in both tube amplifier entry level stuff, and decent low wattage solid-state amps that won’t break the bank

I hear you and was not meaning to disrespect your points at all.

But I do believe there already exists a wealth of pertinent information within this forum already.

I honestly would not know where to start with suggestions for $2000 all in.

Three of my carts cost more each😂😂.
My perspective now is very skewed unfortunately.

Which is why I suggested just trying to read as much as possible first.
My recommendation is to buy what you love the sound of. It’s like picking a favorite’s unique to your tastes, and there’s no wrong way to do it.

As a rule of thumb, speakers tend to influence the sound the most, but the more revealing the speakers are, the more you can hear the other components, so in a high res system, everything matters...learn how to optimize your components to get the most from them. It’s also worth noting that smaller speakers with a little less bass output are easier to match to a room than large boomers. You can always add a powered subwoofer system later on if you feel the need for more bass. Speaking of the’s a huge factor, so you may need to address your room as well.

I’ve owned a lot of amps over the years. None have brought me more pleasure than Bob Latino’s VTA ST-70 from Tubes4hifi. Tube amps can have incredible resolution that offer insight like nothing else can, and are easy to listen to. It’s within budget as a kit, which depending on your skill set might be a tall order, but it’d sure help you learn about and appreciate what you’ve for thought. Used components and kits can help you get better sound for your dollar.

It’s a journey with a learning curve and filled with great music....enjoy it!