Newb Tube question

Having recently acquired a Pro Ject Tube Box S2 phono stage, I'm liking what I hear and am wanting to learn more about tubes.
I see reference to the plates inside the tubes... "short plate", "long plate", "smooth plate", etc.
Is there any sonic difference with the different plate characteristics, or is the quality and manufacturer more important?
Are there brands to seek or avoid?
Just curious... Don't know if my lower-end *system or my 65 year old ears are capable of resolving the difference between tubes anyway.


Emotiva BasX PT-100 preamp, Emotiva BasX A300 power amp, Zu Libtec speaker cables feeding Maggie 1.6's, Morrow interconnects, Technics sl-1200 mk2 w/ Nagaoka mp-200 cartridge and before-mentioned Project Tube Box S2  phono stage.

Showing 2 responses by mwinkc

Thanks for the great information and resources!
Always fun to have a new direction for tweaking the system!
Thanks to all for a compendium of great advice and resources.
I'm very happy with the way my tube-phono stage and upgraded stylus the extent that I'm going through my vinyl collection, enjoying the adventure of hearing new, better details and color in acoustic instruments and voices. When this blissful stage has run it's course, trying a different set of tubes or two will be a fun way to tweak the sound without breaking the bank.
Without your great suggestions I wouldn't have had a clue where to start.
