Somehow the messages for Upstate NY have been lost. The Audiogon Staff asked that I start it agian.

Here we go...If you have an interest, post a message and state where you are. If there is enough interest, maybe we can get something going at some point.

I am in the Syracuse area.

Showing 7 responses by barrelchief

I should be ok with either date. Any location between Syracuse and Rochester is best for me.
Well, it looks like we hover in Central/Western NY. I have very limited time to play these days, but I will toss in my thoughts...

Maybe to get the ball rolling, we should try to meet for dinner, somewhere between Syracuse & Rochester? We could chat about who uses what equip, music preferences, experiences in buying/demo-ing gear, what we are looking to do as a group etc.

Please post your thoughts.

If anyone has the time to coordinate/contact those who are interested, feel free to step up to the plate.

Get rest and drink lots-o-fluids.

Thanks again for taking the lead.

I and possibly 2 more that I have communicated with are in.

Keep us posted.


Everyone that is interested should send an email to WHL248 (don't just post it here.) He has been kind enough to take the lead and attempt to coordinate this gathering.

In an email earlier this week, he implied that the 1st mtg may be in the Syracuse area..

Anyone had enough snow yet?
My email has been down for 2 days and should be back up on Thursday. Does anyone have any info?

Are we on for this wknd?

Win, anyone?...Hello???

If anyone has an update, please post it here.



1) Anyone still interested?
2) Anyone hear from Win?
3) Anyone contact pdl?

It has been 2 years and nothing (that I am aware of) has happened.

Interest runs hot and cold, but nothing seems to get off of the ground.

I personally do not have the time to lead the parade.

In the past, members; "" (Bflo area) and "Whl248" (Roch area ?) both seemed enthusiastic at one point, to steer the ship and plan a gathering.

I and others in the CNY area have expressed some interest in participating. If someone wants to try to arrange a 1st get together, please chime in.