New Western Electric 91E 300B Tube Integrated Amp REVIEW !


Showing 1 response by sutts

It would be great if the only ones able to comment in this thread were those that have actually HEARD the WE91 amp...  I did- in fact auditioned it- for an hour- and yes, it was well warmed up beforehand.  The looks are controversial, but ease of use was very good, and I thought the amp to be reasonably attractive in a 'modern' sort of way. 

As for the sonics, positives first- I was quite surprised by how tight the bass was for a 300B amp- very impressive; detail retrieval also quite good.  *However, it just didn't bring the magic I was hoping for.  I can't 'fault' it per se, but it just didn't bowl me over in any way.  I have heard much larger billowing staging from other top notch 300B amps, along with better depth and note decay. 

In summary, I walked away thinking it was a nice 'lifestyle' piece.  Someone might have this amp in their living room for dinner parties and guests would compliment the looks of it.  But as a serious take no prisoners performance piece?  No- just not enough there for me- maybe a solid '7', but at the asking price, there are many others I would choose instead. Â