New Visitor Confused Over Upgrade

I found this website hoping to compare technical specifications between my Carver receiver and a newer model by Bang & Olufson. As the quoted total harmonic distortion and signal to noise ratio of the Carver is very low, I didn't think that new equipment would add any discernible benefit, at least not enough to justify the considerable difference in price. I am finding a lot of your posts more confusing than informative. As a professional person (not to brag but I make six figures) who has completed post graduate level correspondance courses in EE and knows how to solder, a lot of your posts about tube amps (obselete!) and wires (commodity?) etc. just don't really make sense. In addition to the Carver, I am using a Sony Disc Jockey and I have JBl speakers which are very accurate (used as monitors in many recording studios) and very revealing about associated components. You guys should really learn a little more about how electronics really work before posting such definitive opinions which could mislead new people looking for guidance.

Showing 1 response by elgordo

Anyone who lives in the land of Quad, KEF, B&W, etc. and chooses B&O (Bong & Owfulsound) and JBL (Just Bad Loudspeakers) is beyond help. Must be the English food, what?