geoffkait wrote: ... Think of me as a song and dance man...." Yeah, you and your ol’ pal Bob Dylan. This from a 1965 interview with "the bard:" Interviewer: "Do you think of yourself primarily as a singer or a poet? BD: Oh, I think of myself more as a song and dance man, y’know." thread promises to be more entertaining than even the Black and Blue fuse thread, which is a very tough act to follow. Keep it up, boys and happy new year! Cheers. |
Wow. It’s only a couple of days into the new year and this thread promises to be epic.
There's already one self-professed "song and dance man" here - that fellow who is channeling, wittingly or unwittingly, Mr. Zimmerman- let’s hear from some more.
If this tweak does what OP purports it to do, count me in. It’s highly likely that the marketplace will rule. |
Frank wrote: "As far as I’m concerned, they are attempting to destroy those with an entrepreneurial spirit and even the free enterprise system itself."
Yikes! Things are startin' to get mighty scary around here. |
I see one of my posts was removed. Looks as if the only one left here with a sense of humor is Geoff. Audiophiles can be so terribly earnest at times. Meanwhile, I'm gonna order some of Mad Scientist's graphene- even with shipping it's a heck of a lot cheaper than the high-priced spread, and if nothing else, it may very well make my lights burn brighter.
If the following question has already been addressed, my apologies.
Does this Total Contact stuff pose any health hazards? I do realize that it's intended to be applied in relatively tiny quantities, and that the container itself is relatively tiny. |
Ah, I see that The Carpathian's last, long, but IMO excellent post has unfortunately been removed. I'm merely speculating, but perhaps it was because he made passing mention of a certain public figure.
I don't know how long the waiting line is for "total contact" at this point, but I do think it will be interesting to see how the dynamics of the market place play out. More hard info on the product itself would certainly be useful to many folks. I can understand that if the product doesn't perform optimally until about 8 weeks, how a 30-day money back warranty would not be practical.
Glad to see thecarpathian removed the reference to a certain current public figure that offended one of the mods, and reposted. This version should survive.
The Dale Carnegie Institute offers all manner of programs that purport to help salespersons enhance sales techniques. "Winning With Relationship Selling" A brief quote from their website:
"A strong customer relationship allows the sales organization to build trust, offer insights, and then help the customer."
I’m neither affiliated nor a salesman, merely someone interested in audio and, maybe, who knows, a potential customer. What we’ve got here sure ain’t Dale Carnegie. :) |
Attn: Mods! "Bernie" alert! |
Epic thread. Probably the most "creative" ever on 'gon.
Frank wrote: "ps sez: " Meanwhile, I’m gonna order some of Mad Scientist’s graphene- even with shipping it’s a heck of a lot cheaper than the high-priced spread .."
Frank said: " Old adage .... "A sucker is born every minute."
I have ordered some of Mad Scientist’s graphene contact enhancer and am awaiting delivery. So Frank, does that make me a sucker in your opinion?
Frank then wrote: "Another old adage ... "You get what you pay for."
Frank, can you assure me that if I were to pay close to 10x more for Total Contact, it would prove to be approximately X times better than what Mad Scientist is selling?
I mean this sincerely, because I’m having a tough time understanding contact enhancers in general, and why one product would cost so much more than another, which appears to be quite similar, especially since they both contain graphene suspended in a special solution.
I definitely have heard improvements in my stereo rig from cleaning contacts including tube pins with Deoxit and treating with Deoxit Gold, but apparently the graphene contact enhancers are (far) superior. To me, and many other audiophiles, that’s an exciting development!
It’s my hope that some brave and qualified audio person(s) will eventually do a comprehensive and rigorous comparison between the best contact enhancers now on the market. Personally, I’d love to learn a lot more about these things. |
@oregonpapa: "ps ... Did you click on the link and read the review? If so, what say you?? And yes, its that good. Maybe even 10x as good. :-)"
Yes sir, I did. But I'm waiting for the definitive review, one which compares tc to the Mad Scientist's Graphene Contact Enhancer.
Meanwhile I am looking forward to trying the Mad Scientist's product, and at no risk since the company offers a 30-day money back warranty (less shipping of course)
And I will have invested about a tenth of what Mr. Mrock's stuff costs.
I hope the following comments are written in such a manner as to not violate any of the moderator’s rules here and not ruffle anyone’s feathers.
As many of you have read, I mentioned that I was going to order Mad Scientist’s Graphene Contact Enhancer. I have done so. I am not ready to spend $300 dollars on a product that is yet untested by fellow audiophiles or marketplace. I am willing to spend $25 dollars plus postage on a graphene enhancer product that is risk-free.
OP responded by quoting two "old adages" #1- "a sucker is born every minute"
#2-"you get what you pay for"
RE: Adage #1: I think it’s perfectly clear what OP was implying in reference to my purchase of Mad Scientist’s product. I think for OP to gloss over it is, at best disingenuous.
RE: Adage #2: I think most of us clearly know that this is not always the case.
If Mr. Mrock’s product is indeed many times better than Mad Scientist’s, or the other graphene contact enhancer(s) , I think that OP would agree that the marketplace will be the judge. I have no desire to diminish Mr. Mrock’s product. If it succeeds then I say bravo! I may try it myself someday. I have no desire to destroy the free marketplace or anything else.
But as far as sales techniques are concerned, after having been an advertising photographer for over 4 decades, I think I know a bit about that, and respectfully suggest that OP leave well enough alone.
In closing, I’d like to say that many of the Audiogon forums have been a source of information and help for me- especially when I first ventured into streaming digital files. I’ve learned a lot here and expect to learn more in the future. Again- that’s the primary reason I book marked this thread in the first place.
Oh, Frank,
OH, My. Goodness.
I have "unbookmarked" this thread, never to comment again
Mr. Mrock, I wish you well. From what I’ve read, you’ve worked long and hard developing TC. I hope OP has not done you or your product a disservice. |