New Turntable Direction

It's been a long time since I sought the opinions of the community.  I have been a happy Linnie for 20+ years stopping after upgrades with the Ekos, Cirkus, Lingo, and suspension.  I still have my Shelter 90X.  A recent upgrade inquiry resulted in approximately 6K investment in my table and this just doesn't seem to make sense considering it's age.  I have considered investing the 6K in a new table and staring all over.  I have initially looked at Oracle, VPI, and Basis in part because they have been around for as long as I have been doing this.  For what it is worth my phono stage is still a Rhea.  So what do you think new table or another Linn upgrade and if new table what brand?  As always I appreciate your feedback.

Showing 3 responses by vinylshadow

I’m in the exact same boat as the OP with my Basis 2001 w/ suspension/Rega RB900/McCormack Micro Phono Drive. Love my Basis but updates will be as much as new everything. I’m looking into Vertere. The MG-1 t.t. and SG-1 tonearm. PHONO- 1 phono stage as well...Vertere is very different than Basis as far as motor on the plinth and lack of suspension(I believe)....I have a 250 pound Sound Anchors rack so suspension may be less important a consideration.
I’ve read good things about Vertere...Have you or any posters here looked into or heard about them?
I do know I need to upgrade my tonearm more than anything. While the 2001 is very precise(as is Basis's slogan)I just am unsure if upgrading the t.t. will add an even higher level of sonics...Yes. I will start my own thread. Thanks.
Thanks all but I'm not sure which posts are response to me or the OP.
I have a Benz Micro Wood M2 with minimal play that was just serviced at VAS. So it is like brand new.
I like my Basis 2001 w/suspension. I've never read a bad thing about Basis. I THINK the motor is high torque.  And the motor sits off of the plinth. I know the bearings etc are very high tolerance and precision. But, it was recommended to me by Basis and dealers to get the Calibration Base along with the Vector 4. That is $8,000-$9,000 right there. With any substantial upgrade I do believe it is time to upgrade from my McCormack Micro Phono Drive as well. That is why I was considering the Vertere Mg-1/SG-1/PHONO-1 rig as all of that, even with a tonearm wiring upgrade to hand built is in the $9,000-$10,000 ballpark.... But, very different designs. MG-1 motor on the plinth and no suspension(I think).