New TT or upgrade cartridge/platter on Project DC

Quick backstory: I purchased a Pro-ject Debut Carbon with 2M red cartridge around Thanksgiving to start my vinyl journey. I didn’t want to go overboard to start as I was unsure of my interest level. I’ve been strictly digital prior  playing MQA files through a Bluesound Node 2. Since then I’ve quickly accumulated over a 150 records mixed of my favorites and a large stack or original 70’s pressing who my father passed down which I had no idea where hidden away all these years (I’m 34). 
I’ve fallen in love with Vinyl since and I’m at the point where I know there is so much more to be had to improve my listening experience. I’m very happy with my entry level audiophile system and am looking for some recommendations on where to go from here on my TT? 
My system for reference:
McIntosh MA5200 integrated
McIntosh MR-65B tuner
Pro-Ject Debut Carbon tt
Bluesound Node2 digital 
Sonus Faber Venere 3.0 speakers
Nordost Blue Heaven Power Cord/Speaker Cable/interconnects
Do I upgrade to the acrylic platter and move up the 2m chain Blue or Bronze (would be $4-600 for cartridge/platter alone)? 
Do I just sell my Debut Carbon, save the $ on the cartridge/platter and upgrade my turntable? 
I would like to here suggestions and ideas, let’s go with a budget of $1,500 for conversation. I really prefer going the pre-owned route as I’ve been able to find some really great deals on here over the years on almost all of my equipment. 

Showing 1 response by willy-t


I just took your journey into vinyl about 4 years ago.
Went through many turntable options mostly used and a few carts.
Trust me when I say this.If you want to top your digital setup you will need to reach a certain level of components in vinyl playback.
Here's what I recommend.
Used VPI Scout ( adjustments can be made very easy on this table)
Dynavector 20x2 mc  low cart ( This is the cheapest cart to reach the level)
Dynavector P75 Mk IV phono preamp 

I you decide to not go this route now, you will end up near here in the future. Good luck, Will