New TT, Arm and MC Cartridge

Today is my birthday. I am seventy-two today. I have been lower than the mud under a snake's belly since my wife of fifty-one years and committed lover of fifty-four years passed away last month. I am going to buy myself a present.
That present is going to be a new turntable, tonearm and MC cartridge. I probably won't buy it for another week or two. What I presently have in mind is a Clearaudio Performance DC table or perhaps the Performance DC Wood table, the Satisfy carbon or perhaps the Tracer tone arm and a Clearaudio Talisman V2 Gold MC cartridge. Part of the reason for this choice is I have had good history with the dealer who sells them.
I would love to hear from any respondents who think this is a good choice or a bad choice.


Showing 1 response by ghdprentice

My condolences and respect. You have the best possible attitude I can think of.

I am not familiar with the equipment you chose. When I was in the market to replace my VIP, I think the memory of the legendary Linn came to mind for me. Research showed it’s performance was of the caliber I was looking. So now, I own a Linn. I do not fiddle and have a great relationship with my audio guy who does all the fiddling. He loves it. He has taken all the classes from Linn. He comes over and sets it up. He knows exactly what it should sound like and makes sure it does.