New tonearm: wish to upgrade from DV 505

Dear Audiogoners,
I would like to get your advice for the best actual upgrade from an old DV 505 (mounted on a PX 100 M direct drice). Within the last 20 years, many alternatives evolved. I appreciate any of your valuable proposals. Da Vinci? Schroeder SQ? FR? Any suggestions are welcome.
Best regards r walter
Price range? (It appears that you are willing to go high.) Cartridge preference will then be a determining factor. IMO, there is no such thing as THE best tonearm; it is all about synergy between table/tonearm/cartridge.
What is it about your system that you don't like ? The Dyna is still a great arm, so my feeling is that the limiting factor is the TT and perhaps the cartridge, not the arm. What type of music do you play ? You may want to look at the Avid TT's which I heard in Vegas some years ago. Myself I use a heavily modified Goldring GL75 after owning two Linn LP12's.
I couldn't be happier.
the cartridge is a Kiseki Agaat (retipped). The complete setup plays nicely. The question is whether a change of the arm could reveal even more information out of the vinyl.
Regards r_walter