New to vinyl again

Hi everyone, I am going to give vinyl a try again for the first time since probably the early 90's. I have recently purchased a Thorens TD124 that is going to take a little bit of time to get it rebuilt a bit and ready (make a new plinth, new armboard, clean, lube, and replace the usual rubber goodies), and I will also need a tonearm. I am wondering what anyone would suggest in terms of an arm and cartridge. I have been considering picking up a SME 3009 series II arm, and will probably go with a MM cartridge. I am thinking maybe about $600 for both, but could be persuaded to go a bit higher. My music tastes have changed since long ago and moved to jazz, folk, vocals, and smaller ensembles. I will probably be primarily buying favorite LPs in 180 gm format if available. The associated equipment consists of: Maggie 3.6R, Conrad Johnson LS17 preamp, and Bryston 4BSST amp. I am also looking for suggestions for a phono preamp. Thanks for looking.

Showing 1 response by czbbcl

You also need to buy a good record cleaning machine if you intend to get anything remotely close to the best out of those groves.