New to tubes


Currently have a Denon receiver and would like to replace it with an integrated tube amplifier. Considering the Onix SP-3, some of the Jolida line, or maybe a Primaluna Prologue 2 (budget $900 or less). My speakers are Monitor Audio Silver 5i's. I've been reading about speaker impedance curves and how the high output impedance of tube amps can really change the response of speakers. Anyone have experience with the Monitor Audio line and various tube amplifiers? These a good match for something like a Prologue 2 or an SP-3?



Showing 1 response by tiger

Look into all the cayin units. Buy used. Yes, matching is important. If you go new, try to get a dealer to loan you a demo unit so you can check out compatibility right in your home. Primaluna Prologue are great units and has a larger dealer network, so the try before you buy may be easier.