New to audio. Is there a good DAC that can produce layers of sound?

One of the Youtube audio reviews I watch as a beginner in audio system is Darko

He says during the Chord Qutest review that this DAC can produce layers of sound which is great

I kinda understand what he says because from my very first audio setup, which I returned due to awful sound of music this week, I could still feel some layers, maybe 2, from Post Malone’s song Deja Vu. Only, there were 2 clear layer, from 16bit 44.1 kHz signals from Sonos Amp, one very far back near the speaker and one right next to my ear. I thought it was amazing though. The speaker was SVS ultra bookshelf.

Now those are all returned to the seller, and I am looking for something more clear, musical, and awesome. So, the Qutest is one of the DACs I want to try.

But, if there is any DAC you, as a more experience audiophiles, would like to recommend to me for having great sound effect, could you please list some names? with brief description of the sound?

The price range I am looking for is about $1.5K or less. I prefer less. Used items included.

I am on a journey to setup an enjoyable sound system for myself and would like to see what others like.



Showing 1 response by michaelgreenaudio

Nothing like a great soundstaging system. There’s far more on recordings than most people are able to play back with their system. I find looking at the system as a tool and not at brand names or even cost is the way to get there.

My first piece of advice is research the Low Mass Low Cost products on the market that are outperforming the overbuilt products. 2nd hanging out with listeners who are using Low Mass and tuning will save serious listeners tons of expensive grief.

Here’s an example

For the last few years I have been recommending a certain CDP. At first we laughed because they only cost some maybe 30 bucks new when in production. It took high end audio listeners by complete surprise if not out right disbelief. Now these players have a cult following replacing many big dollar front ends. Just this last year I’ve see people switch from ARC, Edge, Bricasti and other "reference" digital systems to this one, blowing away the soundstaging performance of the overbuilt units.

For anyone new I recommend not falling into the money trap only to regret all the money and time spent. There’s a clear path to getting a great soundstage.

michael green