New Technics SL 1200 GAE

Anyone acquired a new Technics DD 1200 GAE? Has anyone not been happy with the stock arm and changed it?

Showing 3 responses by waltersalas

For those of you with the 1200 GAE table, where did you buy it? I cannot seem to find one for sale...anywhere. Thanks in advance.

Thanks very much, audiofun. I saw the GAE on eBay a couple of months ago for $6K, but have not seen one since. I appreciate your insights on the differences between the GAE and G versions. Very helpful!
Wow, what a bucket of cold water to the face this thread is turning out to be. I was considering selling my Well Tempered Amadeus to "upgrade" to the 1200G, but if it needs all these tweaks and extras to avoid sounding bright, standing pat might be the better move.