New Technics SL 1200 GAE

Anyone acquired a new Technics DD 1200 GAE? Has anyone not been happy with the stock arm and changed it?

Showing 6 responses by tzh21y

tonearm wire leads also change the sound.  thats why people make changes in these areas on a regular basis
I am really curious about the problem with the arm.  I would like Ralph to comment on why he is so opposed to this arm.  I imagine with a different headshell the stock arm could become significantly better than with the stock headshell.  The video on youtube from fremer really has me scatching my head to what Ralph is talking about.  The stock arm sounds pretty darn good.  I am not saying it bests a triplanar but I bet its closer than he would lead one to believe.
I know you mention significantly.  well sometimes the little things are in fact a lot
I think I am going to pull the trigger on one this week and get a Lyra Delos, Sumiko headshell, and boston acoustics mat.  maybe a stillpoints lp1 as well.  I listened to the GR version today and was pretty floored by it.  The only thing I noticed was the GR was somewhat forward sounding and heavy on the bass but that could have been the sub and the Ortofon Quintet cartridge that was on it at the time.  But the little things that table did was pretty amazing for 1695.00
I also think that these "better gap" does not justify the price absolutely. Seems to be a simple commercial trick for to raise up the 1200s prices to an "nowadays" price.

I am not sure about that.  I lot of engineering went into this table in particular.  Much more than the new SP 10 variants.  The 1200G Gae is the table 90% the engineering went into according to Technics, especially the new motor design.  I think for a smaller "VPI" type shop to make that turntable would have cost much more.