New Technics SL 1200 GAE

Anyone acquired a new Technics DD 1200 GAE? Has anyone not been happy with the stock arm and changed it?

Showing 4 responses by cleeds

... in order to be analogous to a tonearm, the participants would have to be directly across from each other walking up the stairs in the same plane. If they were situated the way people actually carry a couch up a stair case (one at the top one at the bottom) I do not see an analogy in the mechanical assembly of a tone-arm ...
I’m sorry that I’m not explaining this more clearly. If you look at the profile of a pickup arm designed with more thoughtful geometry than the Technics - such as a Triplanar or an SME V - I think you’ll understand Ralph’s analogy.
If they're both facing each other along the long sides of the sofa in order to imitate the arm/bearing in the horizontal plane, they would both experience the same weight.
That's true, until the sofa has to be tipped up or down, as a pickup arm would as it traverses a record warp. That's was Ralph's point.

tzh21y02-05-2018 11:56am
tonearm wire leads also change the sound.  thats why people make changes in these areas on a regular basis
If you have a need to change your pickup wire leads regularly, then there's something truly amiss. Wire technology is a pretty mature technology. What you might be noticing is the affect of disconnecting/re-connecting the cables, which can improve connector contact.

I imagine with a different headshell the stock arm could become significantly better than with the stock headshell.
I doubt that a headshell could make that much of a difference. Changing headshells might allow the cartridge/headshell combination  to result in a mass more suited to the pickup arm than the original headshell, and of course that could improve performance. But that's a setup issue. All other things being equal, changing a headshell alone is not likely to result in "significantly better" performance from a pickup arm.