New streamer? N150 vs U2

So many people have asked this question and I’ve read all the threads. Has anyone actually directly compared the Aurender N150 to the Lumin U2 (or U1)? 

‘’I’m having a difficult time with an upgrade because I modified my BlueSound Node 2i, added a linear power supply and a new digital coaxial cable (Nordost Silver Shadow).  The results have been outstanding.  So why upgrade? Well, that is the big question.  Can a new streamer add that much more?

 I would like full MQA if possible and upscaling to DSD.  My DAC does do MQA so I’m limited to the first unfold from the Node 2i.



Showing 1 response by baylinor


What most streaming enthusiasts seem to undervalue is the quality of the program. Bluos is simple, reliable and completely satisfies my needs, which is to use strictly my android phone as a remote control for operating Qobuz. As far as I'm concerned, after reading the reviews of programs other than Bluos and their ability, or lack thereof, to function flawlessly with android phones, it's a no brainer. Bluos is the clear winner for my application, hands down. In my opinion, there is no way to quantify the quality of streamers unless you first talk about what application you want to use to operate it. It seems so obvious but it always blows my mind that seemingly experienced audiophiles hardly ever approach that part of the equation even so it is by far the most important part of the streaming process.