New Stereo Times review on CODA CSiB Integrated Amplifier

My fellow Stereo Times staff reviewer, Richard Willie, has written a superlative review on the Coda CSiB Integrated that has just been posted on the website. Richard does a great job of describing the new "house" sound of this generation of Coda gear, an excellent analysis of the world class build quality of Coda gear, and a very interesting comparison of the Coda CSib to the Pass Labs XA-30.8. A fun read!


Showing 7 responses by yyzsantabarbara

I owned the CSiB for a while and loved it. It was a coin flip to decide whether the KRELL K-300i or the CODA CSiB stays. The CODA went but I am getting a CODA 07x preamp delivered next week and then I will get the CODA #8 after I sell the KRELL. The CSiB was the gateway drug to getting separates. 

The KRELL and the CODA integrated are both amazing.
The Hegel 590 is very good. It is a jack of all trades unit like the KRELL K-300i. The CODA CSiB is less feature rich. Some people may prefer the more neutral sound of the Hegel. 

In terms of build quality the CODA is Bryston like. They offer a 10 year warranty so you know they have confidence in the product. I think Hegel is 2 years, which was something that affected my decision to go with the KRELL and the CODA. I could be wrong on the warranty.

@arafiq If the Benchmark mono could put out over 600 watts at 2 Ohm I would use that over the CODA and the KRELL for the 3.7’s. It cannot so I have now moved that stack to the living room where it sounds incredible with the KEF LS50’s. I think I will blowup those speakers the way I am cranking it now. The CODA and KRELL are much better suited for the power hungry Thiel CS3.7, the CODA #8 or #16 especially so. I like the clarity of BM gear a little more over the extra bit of warmth of the KRELL and CODA (first world issues). I doubt I will like the even warmer PASS with the Thiel CS3.7. I do not find it bright at all unlike some others.

I have the KRELL back in the Thiels the last few days and I just love it. I was listening to a ton of Fela Kuti yesterday and with the additional power from the KRELL it was so much fun, better than the Benchmark stack power wise.

The reason the KRELL is sort of aimless at the moment is that the wife nixed the idea of the family room speakers. The KRELL was going to go there. I am conflicted about selling the KRELL because I love the sound but it would only be used for the RAAL SR1a and that seems crazy.

I bought a $1500 D-Sonic stereo Class D amp recently for the RAAL SR1a so once the CODA 07x gets here I can use the dual XLR outputs and have a listen. I am hoping that gives me the push to sell the KRELL.

I just realized that all my gear is made in the USA. That is cool.
@arafiq I do not have KRELL separates but will have the CODA 07x shipped tomorrow. Last night, I was a little disappointment with the RAAL SR1a with the Class D amp I now own driven by my Gustard X26 Pro DAC (a brilliant $1500 DAC). So I was thinking that I should keep the KRELL K-300i integrated for the SR1a since that pairing is amazing. That means I cannot afford the CODA #8 in the short term.

If the new CODA 07x preamp with the Class D amp is better than the Gustard DAC direct to Class D amp. Then I will have some more options. I expect that to be the case.

The CODA 07x has 2 XLR outputs so I can run an amp to the SR1a and at the same time run an amp to the floorstanders (eventually a CODA #8). So that is the main reason that I have gone to the separates over the CODA integrated. I thought the integrated was great when I had it.

It seems my system decisions are really based on how I can get my RAAL SR1a to sing. All the gear I have had on the floorstanders have been very good to great. Not the case with the SR1a (such as the AHB2’s). I should have just gotten the RAAL HSA-1B headphone amp and be done with but then I would not have the fun of amp rolling that I am doing now. After this last bit is sorted out I am done buying.

BTW - I do not think I can say that the CODA outperforms either the PASS or KRELL. It is just a matter of preferences. The KRELL and CODA integrated sound different but I thought both were amazing on my floorstanders. Though I preferred the clarity of the Benchmark stack with the floorstanders. The KRELL and CODA were overall better on the floorstanders because it was a better power match in the 2 Ohm region for my speakers. So no easy answer to which is better.
I should add that the D-Sonic amp I am now using today on the Thiel CS3.7 sounds good driven DAC direct to amp. I did not like it with the SR1a. It will be better with the CODA 07x but it will be a nice amp to keep around as a backup or hot weather amp.
The reason I went with the CODA CSiB in the first place was because of the discussions that started after Terry's reviews. I did not think my audio preferences align with what Terry likes but I wanted to check it out. Glad I did because it gave me options that I did not consider before. Though I always was aware of CODA.

Last night after 3 hours of very late night RAAL SR1a listening with music that can be fatiguing (on purpose) I came to the conclusion that the KRELL K-300i has to stick around. The KRELL K-300i + Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE + RAAL SR1a is a phenomenal combo. The buttery smoothness of the KRELL and the bass power are exactly what I need on the SR1a. Unfortunately, in the short term, I now will not have funds to buy the CODA #8.

In 2 months when California opens up fully I will head down to my local CODA dealer and listen to the #8 and #16 with the 07x. 

The Gustard X26 Pro DAC that I have been recently raving about will go with the CODA 07x and the Thiel CS3.7 floor standers. A great DAC and it cost $1500 ($1300 on sale).

BTW - Rumor has it that the 07x will get an external power supply in the LONG TERM. If that happens I will get a free upgrade (not sure what  that means) of the 07x to the external power supply. I do not know the details of any of this just pushing the rumor.
I am starting to like my CODA 07x more than ever. It is likely opening up even more after about 2+ months of listening. I am mixing my system with the Benchmark HPA4, Topping pre90, and the CODA 07x. All 3 are amazing peamps (1 will be sold). I use Benchmark AHB2 monos with all 3 preamps.

The CODA 07x + Benchmark AHB2 mono is a big improvement on my former CODA CSiB (from 2019 just before the recent iteration). I have already ordered the CODA #8 and should get it in about 2 weeks. I will be rotating the 2 amps between my Thiel CS3.7 and my RAAL SR1a headphones. The #16 is too big for my room.