New Speakers under consideration - but I’m afraid

I really like my speakers but I am considering an upgrade. I have B&W 801 S2 MkIII that I bought new in 1999 (re-coned with modded x-over). I’m afraid that what I get will not equal them and new may  just be different.

They are bi-amped with McIntosh up top and Krell on the bottom. Analog is Revox B77 and dig is Oppo 105D with Bryston DAC3.

I will also likely upgrade the DAC but this thread is about speakers.

I need a dynamic loudspeaker that is as good with chamber music as it is with acoustic jazz, rock and electronic music (everything but Country and Rap).

I haven’t heard anything yet but am considering Borrersen X3, Wilson Sasha and B&W 803 D4.

Should I be afraid or will these speakers all best a 25 yr old design?


Showing 25 responses by ritter06

Yes GIK on the walls, ceiling and bass traps in the corners. Even my 20 something kids wonder about it, but not after I play something they really know and like. MGMT’s Little Dark Age is a fabulous recording (CD).

Thanks for the replies.

I guess I’ve been around long enough to know that showroom audition may be an indicator, but once you get them home with different room and electronics, the result will very likely vary.

And home for me is Nassau, Bahamas so returning them, even if an option- is not an option (after shipping and duty etc.)

I guess a more general question might be are  speakers today (>$15k) better than their 25 year old equivalents?

The 801s were $5.5k in 1999. New.

Several years ago I took a fav cd and went and listened to WW Puppies driven by great electronics and thought what’s the big deal. They did not seem to resolve any better and seemed lacking on the bottom. 

Now, how many iterations later, I wonder if the Sashas have improved enough- surely they must have, no? I would be looking at used so listening may be an issue.

The new 802s ( I wrote 803s above but meant 802s) share the same B&W DNA so should be an improvement and safer choice (but would still go for a listen). My ears have rolled off on top so B&W brightness may be less of an issue. 

I’m a big believer in physics and can’t see (or hear) how the X3s go very deep, but I failed to mention that I have a VMPS Larger sub driven by Crown K2, so deep bass is not an issue. Will try and have listen in Fla.

I moved from a house with a large listening room to a much smaller condominium ( I think there was a divorce or something in there). The 801’s are in a close if not nearfield position and never sounded better (testament to the great concrete build quality).

Another move to a larger condo and listening room ( 18’ x 20’) is on track by the end of the year.

I will try the 801’s first in the new place first but I like the idea of new speakers in there. WAF not an issue btw.

One consideration  I would add is resale. These could be my last set of speakers.

Or perhaps not. A more esoteric brand of speaker will be harder to shift. I'm inclined to stick with a better know brand. When I throw that into the mix it favors something like the 802 D4.

On resale there seem to be a ton of used Sashas and Wilsons in general - why is that- because they sell a lot of them, hence more for resale?

That’s the thing. I can experiment with things like DACs and bring them back and forth in my carry on. Speakers not so much.

Maybe I should just get a killer DAC and be done with it 🤓

As I’ve explained above, in-home audition is not possible, hence the enquiry here.

You could tell me that you owned 801s (S2 Mk III) and moved to brand X and found them a significant overall improvement. But only if it’s true.

Btw- I’ve lived in Bahamas for over 20 yrs in climate controlled environment (but still had re-cone 3 or 4 drivers- not bad I’d say). 

Thanks. I do have a pair of KEF LS50 and matching sub in another room in sub optimal setting just for TV. I’m impressed by the SQ for the size, build and price. They sound good on their own but playing the same piece through the 801s, you realize what you are missing. A lot. I did seriously  wonder about the R11s but heard the R7s at a shop (my music) and was less than impressed.

But I am believer in co-incident speaker designs and used to have a pair of 15” Tannoy Reds that had ridiculous output and slam- perfect speaker when in your 20’s

I have a plan. I'll go listen to some speakers. Make a decision and assuming I like something I'll get them.

I have a buyer for my 801s- I won't hand them over until I get the new ones installed and prefer them after a side by side comparison. If they sound as good or better, I keep them.

Worst case I sell the new ones (I'll try to find them used to avoid the max depreciation hit).

Well I listened to some speakers (in Atlanta) today.

Borresen X3, Sonus Faber Stradivari, WIlson Sasha V and Watt Puppies.

All in different rooms and different electronics (but all excellent- Mac, D’Agostino etc.). I used known and new source material (ear candy pieces from the dealer) to audition .Summary below:

X3’s were first and sounded quite good- if unremarkable (from memory to the 801’s). Well balanced and no warts. I could live with them.

Sonus were next up. Fuller with more bass but also mid-bass murkiness to my ear. 

The Sashas sounded great. Holographic, good sound stage and transparency (my fav kind of trans). 

The Puppies were last - but not least. In fact, the best. Fantastic transparency - even more so  than the Sashas but without edge or glare. Very balanced. Great coherence. Very  ample bass. To my ear the best of the 4, although close with the V’s. 

I went back to the X3’s for fun, and just 20 seconds was enough to show they were not in the same league.

Next up the B&W 802 D4’s, but already thinking about the Puppies. How different do the prior gen Wilsons sound to the latest iterations?


Nice looking system and I appreciate the offer. I leave tomorrow but will let you know when I come back.

More speakers today.

B&W 803 and 801s with Mac gear (no 802’s unfortunately). Clear and crisp with the 803’s predictably lacking in bass energy and sounded “small” probably because they were flanked by other speakers and were too close together.

801s sounded much better naturally but suffered from being too close to the wall. Overall wonderful presentation. 

In the same room were Focal Maestro Utopias which the dealer was keen to show off. They sounded wonderful but I didn’t like the pushed “on-stage” focus where the music is all around you- prefer if more in front between.

From memory, the Sasha Vs (meticulously set up) sounded best of the lot. The quickness, clarity, soundstage, tight bass and natural mids  AND amazing coherence is just such a great and compelling package. I think I’ve found my speakers.

They were the North Creek. So long ago now I can’t recall how they sounded before.

So right now I’m wondering if used Sasha DAWs are sonically close enough to the new WWPs. Pretty big price delta.

Yes dealer has already offered to fly down to Nassau and set them up - my expense of course. No point in not having them set up properly.

Can then play with amps- Mac, Krell and Crown.

Then there’s the cable decision 🙄

If you read my circumstances , that was not possible but clearly the preferred route.

That said I am no longer afraid- I'm excited. I have confidence that the WWPs exceed my 801s by every important metric.

While awaiting the WWPs next month, I just got a McIntosh MX 200 pre with only one set of balanced outs so had to un-biwire the 801s. They never sounded better. Not sure which made the difference but the soundstage is very 3 dimensional now.

Audio sure is a journey.