New speakers for 15*12 room powered by Lamm 1.2s?

 Attending the Seattle show this week. Thinking about upgrading my Thiel 7.2 speakers which I have owned for over 15 years.  I have a dedicated room. My Thiel's are powered by Lamm 1.2s direct from a PS Audio Directream DAC Mk1.  I am separately looking at upgrading the digital sources and potentially adding real to reel to my system.  Through room treatments and upgrading the Tubes in my Lamm's  I have been able to get a lot of the brightness out of my Thiels but I am still looking for more warmth and definition. I listed to a lot of female vocalist music, acoustic/electric guitar.  I am told the Borreson X3, X6 are an incredible value.  Any  recommendations to consider? Thx

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Probably used - up to 25K - really depends on how much improvement in sound I get going up in price. I had originally bought the Lamms with the intention of pairing them with Wilson Audio speakers. I never got around to that.  When I upgraded the tubes in the amps to the Amperex pinched waist the improvement in sound was material. It got rid of quite a bit of the brightness in the Thiels.  Rooms treatments improved that even more. Now that I am revisiting I am realizing there are a lot of good options to consider.  

I would not put 25K speakers in a 15x12 room (but that wasn't the question :) )

ATC, Dyna, Wlson or Sonus perhaps? Speakers from a company that's been around....

Judging by the music that you like and your preference for a warm presentation I would take a hard look at the new Sonus Faber Serafino.  Just to be fair this is not what's in my listening room but I think they would be a very good fit for you.  If you're interested in more low end, I'll bet that you can find a used pair of the larger SF Amati second hand in your price range. 

Given you’re coming from Thiels I’d search out Joseph Audio, ProAc, Sonus Faber, Usher, Vandersteen, Wilson, Rockport, and Acora while you’re at the show. Enjoy!

kef ref 3 or blade 2s will work well in that sized room with the lamms 




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