New Schroeder linear tonearm, any thoughts?

I noticed Frank Schroeder has a new linear arm without servo motors, pumps, etc. seems like a promising direction. Did anyone hear it at RMAF?

Showing 11 responses by jfrech

On another forum I got a request for this to...will try and record something tomorrow...Thinking I need to find my tripod and clamp the camera to it...either a few pics or try the video on it...
lewm, I think sarcher30 hits it about right. All I know is this arm makes some seriously beautiful music...I feel like I have a whole new vinyl front end...not just a arm... it's pretty impressive...honestly I was a ways down the road on a very pricey phono stage...thinking that was my next I no longer feel I need to upgrade my in this's actually the lower and better priced alternative.

I have some pics on my system page for those interested...
Hi, Babybear and myself recently purchased these arms and installed in our systems. We both posted comments on our system page a nutshell, it's a amazing sounding arm...
Hi Peter no chatter and zero vibration, you can "hear" this in the stellar resolution this arm has. Other arms I had to remove damping troughs, fine vtf weights, anti skate mechanisms even finger lift b/c they chattered, rattled or colored the sound. The magnets keep the bearing in the underneath race centered in the race so they never touch unless your physically moving the arm by hand to its rest position.

Hope this explanation helps
Hi i have 3 or 4 good pics posted of the production LT arm & base under my system...just click the system link next to my id...
Hiho, try this...3rd pic down...
Hi, and this arm when properly set up (just once during installation) has a ever so slight tendency to want to move to the inner groove...a slight breath sends it on its way...if you have the stylus on a blank not much mass or nearly any force needed for it to trace the grooves...
lewm: yes the arm, table, platter etc. However the tone arm collar (connecting arm to board) has a triangular structure is this has a ever so slight corkscrew arrangement first point of triangle is point slightly lower and once again. Apparently this helps nudge.

again talking very fine adjustments here and the stylus/arm has compensated for this arrangement...

Not sure how I can explain it better....if you got to my system pics...the 6th pic on the can see about 1/2 of this triangled thingy and one of the 3 fine set screws...
All I can say is I love my LT arm...will be one of those things I'll never sell. 1) it sounds fantastic, and 2) it's just so unique and ingenious