New REL T7 / T9 vs. older REL Storm III?

I just got some new speakers and am missing some of the full bodied sound of my previous speakers (Harbeth M-40.1's). I'm allowing myself approx. $1,000 for a REL sub and would like user input on whether I should go with the newer REL T7 or T9, or go with an older Storm versions?

Even though the new "T" series retails for considerably less than the older Storm's, I'm thinking that it's possible that the T series may be a better value given the simpler cabinetry, and maybe there is "flow down" technology on the newer, albeit less expensive T series that make them a better buy than the older, used Storm model.

Any thoughts or first hand experience with both the T series and Storm models would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by daveyf

I just installed a T5 into my system. My room is very small...10'X11', but it is acoustically treated and has a 13' vault ceiling. The T5 is a great sub for this room, adding extension, punch and the ability to match seamlessly with my main speakers. It took a while to get the blend correct, BUT several other a'phile friends have now heard the system are floored by what the little 'mighty mite' can do. BTW, one of them owns a JL112 and while he likes this sub, believes that the REL is a better choice for a room of this size. YMMV.