New Rega Planer 8 (P8) Turntable - Apheta 2 Cartridge Combo - Thoughts

Any Thought's on the "New" Rega Planer 8 (P8) Turntable - Apheta 2 Cartridge Combo

Any Rega owners / dealers / folks familiar with the table and/or brand have any thoughts / advise about this table / brand / combo? 

I am trying vinyl again... Tried it before without much luck. Table / cart / phono set up was too finicky for me and I wasn't able to get decent sound. I sold it all and am now giving it another try.

I also chose a Sutherland Duo phonostage to match with it.

Would love thoughts, advise, ideas or feedback. I have never owned a Rega product before. Going to set it up tonight but still waiting for my phonostage to be mailed to me. Would love some feedback. 


System info

Rega P8 Turntable / Apheta 2 Cart
Sutherland Duo Phonostage
Simaudio Moon Evolution P-8 Linestage
Pass Labs X250.8 Amp
Magico S5 Speakers (MK II's on order)

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Showing 31 responses by fsmithjack


You hit it right on the head with the VPI guess.

I had actually tried vinyl a couple times and both times with decent but tough to set up units.

I under appreciated what it takes to get good sound out of these buggers. I know many say it is simple but I tried twice and struck out both times.

(1st time out)
was because I went with an odd and esoteric route. Not smart of me.

** VPI Prime with 
Haniwa Audio HCTR01 Cartridge and
HEQA01 Phono Equalizer 

These are $12,000 phono /cart combo set up. I paid $3500 for demo's so still not cheap but thought what the heck let's start with really good stuff. I just sold a couple amps and was playing with house money and took a shot. Yup - nice try... my fault :(

Needless to say the combo needed special IC's and special wires re-routed through the tonearm which I found out later. Sound was all rolled off and I just never could get it right. Got it better after trying a bunch of other cables but never worked right. Too bad because I am told this combo is great but that said my Bricasti digital blew it away and was so much better but only because I know I never got it right. I lost interest and sold / traded it all away to someone that could set it up and enjoy it because I didn't.

(2nd time out)
** VPI Aries 3D Special Edition (#47 of 100)
Mark Levinson No326s w/phono
Denon DL-S1 Cartridge

Same here. Sounded better but never right. I tried and tried and never got it right. I had an analogue guru. Super nice guy from agon felt bad for me and came over as he was local and he spent hours and re-mounted my cart and he decided the cart was bad and had to send back to dealer. 

Then month later tried another cart and that one had a problems also.

Bam, done and I jettisoned that system also. I really liked this system and kept the ML pre for a while because it was a great linestage also but the Simaudio P-8 is much better so i'm happy there :)

Well I thought, darn I spent a lot and bought a bunch of new records and really wanted a record player so though lets get a Rega table and a Rega cart and did my homework and found a great deal.

Then went looking for a good phonostage.

The Sutherland phonostage takes two IEC power cords so I made sure I got really good stuff for it also. I got (2) Audience AU24se Power Cables and a pair or RCA IC's that are Audioquest Fire. These are the power cables and the IC's the guy who sold me the phonostage was using and he offered me a great deal on the package.

I had such bad experiences in the past with phonostage IC's and the like that I wanted to get something I knew would work plus the seller totally hooked me up. He sold them all to me for less then they are worth because I bought it all together so I can't complain at all.

I could list them all for resale and make $1,000 but I have no interest in that I just want to play some records and my hope is they will sound as good - different then my digital.

I am hoping it sounds good enough to make me want to buy and get more records and enjoy this part of the hobby like so many of you guys do .That is hope. 

Sorry for the long response but wanted to answer your questions :) 

Thanks so much and yes I started out with the RP8 and came very close to getting one. They are offering great deals as you noticed.

I was thinking Rega all along because I wanted as simple as I could get setup wise but still wanted it to be good enough. I love my digital set up so I knew my vinyl needed to be decent enough. I have the Bricasti M1SE Dac and had the Bricasti M12 built in ethernet media player hard add installed at the factory into my dac so that was a huge bump in performance over USB.   

My Rega dealer offer me a great price on the New P8. It ended up only being a little more than a few hundred more for P8 so I said heck with it and went for the newer one. I know not all do but I liked the newer look a lot. Simple and cool looking IMO. 

Thanks for all this great information. I really appreciate it. I read about those Graham arms. Those are amazing. I know what you mean about the tubed MM/SUT set up as I came really close to getting a Allnic 1201.

I had it down to that Allnic 1201. and the Sutherland Duo. I just could not believe the write ups on the Duo.

The main reason I bought the Sutherland honestly was because I met the nicest person I have ever dealt with for anything. I just knew I was dealing with a very kind and honest person and this was before I even knew his name. It was right before Christmas and come to find out his day job is a priest.

He hooked me up with the Sutherland Duo, Audioquest Fire RCA IC and 3 Audience AU24 se cables for such an amazing price. 

Here is all the info if anyone is interested. He will hook you up. Sold me gear for wholesale / dealer cost prices and way less than private sale prices so never mind dealer prices.

I know what you mean about the Rega and switching carts and maybe needing shims and all that. I want to avoid all of that at all cost. 

My dealer will give me 30% off discount on the Rega Aphelion. It is the only Rega update I can make. 

Do you think it is worth me to start saving for. I don't know enough about vinyl and want to learn more and get the best system I can for reasonable to use and money. The one review says the P8 table draws more from the cart than the RP10 and that is why they are re-doing the 10. Thanks so much for the help.



Thanks for that glad I am not the only vinyl newbie not to struggle with getting set up with a new VPI table. What table/cart/phono did you end up going with?

Yeah that's great buddy thanks for your great advice.

I know I am a newbie to vinyl and I guess should expect those kind of shots when I put myself out there asking for help like this but whatever.

I will push through and get my head around it and see if this vinyl thing is legit or not.

One my 2nd try I had this super nice person come over to my house and spend 4 hours trying to get my system right. He would not take a penny so I could not ask him to come back. I even offered him a $700 power cable for his time but he was too nice and would not accept.

People like him is why I am asking for some with some idea's on here.  

Also, this will show how much of a newbie i really am but what do i do about a record clamp?

One doesn't come with the P8. I own a 2.75 pound stainless steel one but don't want to use that.

Can you guys tell me what i should do for a record clamp and how come the P8 doesn't come with one?

They also don't come with a digital stylus force weigh gauge with like VPI. I ordered one - should i use it? Yes I am a newbie but i learn quick. Thanks for the time. 

Thanks so much for this great information. As far as my LP collection is quite small. I only have about 20 brand new MOFI albums and another dozen or so older but never used ones.

To put it in perspective I have about 60,000 tracks of pristine, immaculate quality digital and I have been honing my digital system with vibration /  Isolation / cable / tech / power supplies for years and have got it to travel to a very good place. 

The reason I know my last 2 tries at vinyl were wrong were because they sounded terrible.

Perspective, I have a $50.00 USB to RCA HRT Music streamer DAC that I used to use for my laptop and cheap desk top speakers. It is an impressive little bugger. Sort of like the Audioquest Dragon Fly which is a great little performing under $100 laptop dac. 

When I plugged this in both times it sounded much better than the $20,000 analogue front ends. One had cable and impedance  matching problems and the other broken cart problems so not fair to blame the rigs but wanted to show my main choice for a Rega table/cart choice this time around. 

I was planning on getting a record cleaner and am glad you jumped in with this great advice. Please let me know what you guys think I should get to get started.

So do I clean the Stylus after record side? I did not know that?

Can you please tell what brush to get to do this and how often I should do it.

Also how about the records. What brush should I get and should I do before each listen? Do i need gloves to do this so i don't touch the records?

I bought a Mobil Fidelity record cleaning brush. Is this one ok or should I get something else?

Please if you can tell me what Stylus brush and what record brush and how often and maybe some other things I need but have no clue about. This is the type of info I need to know and so appreciate this.



Hey Spencer!
Thanks so much! Great info. I am going to read it all and follow this advice now and get a good record cleaner and some nice sleeves and do it the right way. Thank you

No I am not going to get the $5000 Rega cart anytime soon. My point was more that they offer no other ones to upgrade from between what I have. I got a really good deal in the P8 / Apheta 2 combo and an even better deal on my Sutherland Engineering Duo phonostage so I am excited about trying to get this right.

My hope for now is get it sounding good enough that I enjoy and want to listen more and then work on picking up 2 or 3 new records a week and see where it goes.

I have read about cleaning. I would like to start with something in the $500ish range if that is possible and go from there. Is that too low and those are junk or are they ok? I will also get the fluids if they don't come with it and some sleeves. 

So basically you wash the record then play it. Make sure it is dry of course.

Is there a stylus cleaner you recommend. I see there are those little brushes that you need to make sure you only rub the way the records goes. Then I saw those ones that you just drop the needle on and move a little and drop back down that the crud sticks too? What one of these do you recommend? 
Thanks Elizabeth, I was like oh no they forgot to pack the record clamp and stylus force gauge. Being a former VPI owner I thought all turntables had these things. Thanks for the info. 

I own one of these below in the link.

If at some point down the road I had a warped record I should try it or is it too heavy? I use it as a component wight as it is 2.75 pounds but its really just a heavy record wight? Thanks


I just wrote a really nice response to your post and when I submitted it froze and didn't go through. So very annoying.

Yes I hope it sounds ok but if not I don't care I will just dump it and get something else. I have owned so many different amps and preamps and speakers and cables its all good. I try if I don't like them I just get something else.

I think I need to get a record cleaner next .Anyone you guys recommend?

Wally has a new Okkie Nokki RCM with clear cover he will sell me for $470 shipped. Are these any good? Should I get this one?


Also, my table is the P8 and not the RP8? I don't if they sound that much different but the reviews say they do so wanted to add that. 


Hey Spencer,
I read your awesome article. Amazing stuff really. When my collection grows and I finally crack this vinyl nut I am going to give this a try.
Thank you 
If you look at my virtual system you will see a bunch of pictures of a Brand New VPI Prime and a VPI Aries 3D Special Edition (#47 of 100). Dumped them both and moved on.

That said it wasn’t either of the tables fault. I had a real esoteric Haniwa cart that needed a 0.8 ohm setting for phono and that caused cable and phonostage issues so I dumped it.

The Aries 3D I had 2 bad carts in a row so I dumped that one also. I heard a Rega P6 w/Apheta 1 and thought it was great and better than the VPI’s. We all like different things I guess.

Also, I wanted a Herron VTPH-2a phono but there are none used and a decent wait for a new one. I got an amazing deal in my set up.

I bought my Sutherland Duo, 2 Audience Au24se 1.0M AC cables (it takes 2 ac cables) and Audioquest Fire RCA 1.0M Interconnect, Audioquest Niagara 1000 Conditioner and matching Audioquest Tornado 1.0M AC cable all for right around the price of a new Herron VTPH-2a .

The Audioquest Fire all by itself is a $3,000 cable.

Not sure I will like the AQ 1000 but we shall see. Might just use if for my phonostage. Plugging into the wall destroys every conditioner on the planet, Trust me when I tell you I did well with this set up. The loss or gain in audio is not in the sale its in the buy. That said I wanted a Rega. If I like it I will get the better Rega cart and then upgrade to the new P10 when it comes out. I like Rega, Granted I have never owned one before so we shall see. Maybe I won’t like it but I hope I do.

My buddy owns the Herron VTPH-2a and he said it is fantastic. It is a great preamp but he also said it is overrated. He loves it but he has others he loves also but he said all the fan boys of this pre is over the top.

It is a really good phono but nothing is that good. His words. I am sure I will try one at some point. I have seen them around $2200 to $2600 used so if I like my Rega I will take a stab at a used one if one pops up.

I mean if you buy one of these used I am sure you will get all your money back so its free to try because they are so well liked. I will def grab one down to road to see what everyone loves so much about it.

I gave up on tube line stages long ago but he said this phono is nothing like those tube lines so i would like to try one. I hate the bobble head VPI arm but to be fair they did fix that with their new double mod.

Thanks so much for the info. That is great to know about the weight gauge. I bought one myself because I thought I would need one. I will get a level. I actually don't have one. Great idea.

I have a nice 19 x 15 x 3 inch thick maple block I will put under the Rega. I read they like a study base and though this would help. 

Great idea on muting the phonostage to watch out of static. Thanks 

There is a Kirmuss Audio KA-RC-1 BRAND NEW for $825

Kind of crazy to spend that when I have so few records but I am lazy and want to do as little manual labor as

All the guys are saying I need to clean record every time I listen and ever brand new records so I guess I should get this one?

Do you folks agree?

Any particular stylis cleaning brush you guys recommend? Might as well gear up and go at this the right way. 
Great info and thank you all you guys for the great information.

I am so much better informed today than I was a week ago.
Thank you

My phono stage isn't going to land via FedEx untill Monday :(

In the mean time I hope to come up with both a record and stylus cleaner solutions. 

Normally, I would go and spend the $850  and get the Kirmuss Ultrasonic unit but that I think should a unit to buy a bit further down the road. You guys agree?

My records are all new so was thinking I might go with a starter solution and get me sea legs and put the funds into more records.

What do you guys think of these items? It seems like a good newbie starter pack? Any adds or deducts. 

- Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
- Mobile Fidelity Record Brush
- Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab LP#9 Stylus Cleaner (brush and cleaner)
- MOBILE FIDELITY - Record Inner Sleeves (50Pk)
- Record Doctor V - Record Cleaning Machine 


I have offers for these New Unused in Box

- Music Hall WCS-3 Record Cleaning Machine $400
- OKKI NOKKI RCM MKII w/Clear Cover $469 shipped
- Kirmuss Audio KA-RC-1 Ultrasonic - Open Box - Unused for $725 + Shipping 

Would you get one of these instead?


Oh yes thank you, I forget to mention right before Christmas I ordered a:

Audio Additives - Digital Stylus Force Gauge

I read this is a decent one. It was like $80 on sale for $50 but they said its a decent one for the money so I grabbed that. 

Great idea on the Magnifier. I will order one tonight. Any idea on a good ones you like? I am sure there are a zillion of them so thought to ask.

How about the soft brush? I ordered a Mobile Fidelity Record Brush but I think you may mean a different kind? I will order this tonight also.

Thanks again.

I am keep considering the Okkie Nokki still?    


Thanks for the input. I understand what you are saying but there is more to the story with the other VPI gear I had earlier and why I moved on from them.

It wasn't really the table's fault vs problems I had with them and my wanting to flip those units for other gear rather than pushing through and sticking with them.

In one case I decided I wanted to re-cable my system and with the other I fell in love with idea of upgrading my speakers to the newer released model. Don't we 

In one case I had chose a really tough cart for a newbie to work with and the other i had a couple bad back to back carts. 

In both cases I bought the gear used and/or demo and moved them for the money I had into them and applied the money to other parts of my rig..

The cool part about this hobby for me is about 80% to 85% of my system purchases are all based on money I spent back in 2008/2009. I spent a good chunk back then when things were going pretty good and since then have kept my system fresh and evolving and keeping it current. 

You know buy an amp for $7000 but not by stroking a check for $7000 but by flipping a preamp for $4,200, a cart for $600 and a pair of cables for $1,400 and I end up stroking a check for $800 and get a $7000 amp. Take this example by most all of my audio purchases and you get the picture.

In both my table purchases and sales I had my beloved Bricasti M1SE that I love to fall back on and was happy dedicating my time with it as I am not sure there is anything better including vinyl.

Down the road if I am not crazy about the Rega I could certainly see myself taking this Rega P8 / Apheta 2 cart / Sutherland Due Phono / Audioquest 1000 / Audioquest Fire IC's / (2) Audience Au24se AC Cables and Audioquest Tornado AC Cable and putting all those sales together with my Pass Labs X250.8 amp and picking up a gently used $20,000 Vitus amp or such type of thing and then stroking a check of my actual money for about $800 or so as all of the above purchases are direct decedents at about 85% to 90% of what I spend back in 2008/2009. 

The key is to buy stuff that most people like and is semi reasonable. Nothing real esoteric and obscure so if the need or more likely I have the urge to move to something else then I am in a pretty good shape as far as having a decent liquid-able audio position so to speak.

You can see my feedback. I have flipped a decent amount of gear but always for good fair and on the low side price and I make a point to provide the highest quality service to my fellow a-philes. I believe in that. I try to buy right so I can sell right and I have made a lot of friends doing it like this. People appreciate a good price on a great item and a pleasant and professional transaction with friendly service and great communication. When someone buys an item from me I want them to enjoy the piece and the process.   

The loss of money is in the buy not the sell. You are buying it so you know what it will sell for. I try to be smart when possible and buy brands that is good stuff that I like and other people do as well. Brands like VPI, Rega, Magico, Bricasti, Pass Labs, Simaudio, Audioquest, Kubala-Sosna and that type of thing. 

I always put my audio sales back into my rig and I sometimes I sell a bunch of stuff and squirrel it away in my PayPal account for larger purchases. 

The other part of it is to not keep something too long where it drops in value too far.

See this is where Bricasti is amazing. If you bought a DAC from Brian back in 2013 then you just need to make sure to send it back to him every couple years for the very cheap cost of upgrades then you will have the same DAC as someone that buy it in 2018. How many other digital companies do that. 

It is the only component I don't need to worry about refreshing. I can just send into Brian and for about $500 bucks and it is the most current version. Everything else has a much shorter shelf life. 

Pass Labs before the .5 drops like a stone in a lake or Simaudio before the Evolution or Magico back before the switch from wood to metal and that type thing. Have to stay in front of those type of drops or the drop in value hit will hurt my ability to keep my system fresh while still maximizing my 2008/2009 spend.

All this said if I love something I am not afraid to stick with an older item either if it sounds great and I love it.

Case and point. My Simaudio Moon Evolution P-8 preamp. This was last a Stereophile Class A in 2012 and there is newer replacement current model but it is brilliant. I love it. It is better than my past ARC REF 5SE or Pass Labs XP30 so it is staying. Well for now that 

Sorry for the long winded response but just wanted you and the other readers to know I am not some zillionionier stroking checks all over the place for audio gear but rather someone that loves the hobby and actually is a pretty disciplined a-phile that approaches it in a way that may look like I am spending all this money with all this gear when really I am just recycling the money I put into my rig a decade ago with thoughtful and earnest buys.

This approach gives me the freedom to move on quickly without a financial penalty because I have taking the time to look at things pretty closely and I enjoy the process and really enjoy trying the gear and because I could never afford to actually just go out buy and pay for all this gear.

Each time I get a new piece it is like being a kid at Christmas except rather than Santa Claus it is the FedEx or UPS truck driver. My daughter is funny. "Dad the FedEx is here" because she knows how psyched I am to get it.   

My dumping those other VPI tables had nothing really to do with them or how they sound or digital vs analogue and more to do with my fluid approach to system building and rebuilding. 

I hope this makes sense and isn't just a bunch of mumbling. 


Thanks and I agree.

A brand new in box Okkie Nokki MKII for $450 shipped with optional clear top for it or Music Hall WCS-2 for $430 shipped.

See here is my point. I think at these prices if I later want to get the better ultrasonic what do I lose? Maybe $50 or $100 bucks?

That is why I am thinking about one of these guys because I definitely am 

Plus I know I don't want to buy one that has been used because that seems kind of gross but maybe that is just me or not? It is just records so maybe not?? Thought would people buy one of these used?
Fantastic information! Thank you !!! 

Any advise to a vinyl newbie with same set up? 

My Sutherland Duo phono stage may get FedEx deliverd today which is fantastic. I thought it was coming Monday.

My tracking force gauge has not landed yet? 

I also dont have a record cleaner yet? 

I have a half dozen brand new unopened MOFI records though. 

Do you think i should set tracking force via Rega manual without the digital meter or should I just wait until I get my gauge?

Also, do you think it is ok for me to try out my brand new records or should I wait until I buy a record washer and wash my new records first so I don’t hurt my stylus? 

People seem pretty serious about only using freshly cleaned records and I want to do this the right way but I will be excited tonight to spin some records if you guys think it’s ok to go forward?

 Thanks so much! 

When I first read your initial comments I thought I you were just another pot stiring, Joe negative jaded audiophile that probably shouldn't be bothering to read a newbie vinyl post who is asking for help about a subject he obviously doesn't know much about? A proper vinyl set up...

Unfortunately, Now I am thinking you may have seen this clearer than any of us?

I am a very seasoned audiophile other wise being a long time digital audiophile but thought that vinyl would be different.

Sort of hoped maybe sort of like tubes to solid state.

I went through years of loving tubes and now love solid state and prefer solid state but still appreciate tubes, what they have to offer and the unique difference between the two.

I know nothing is the same but I thought or had hoped vinyl would have its own like uniqueness. Don;t know if I would like it or not but wanted to find out myself and wanted to have at least a decent enough set up to make that happen. 

So I bought:

Rega Planer 8 Turntable 
Rega Apheta 2 Cart
Custom Traditional Clear Cover to cover everything vs odd oem one
19x16x3 Solid Maple Base with Solid Tech Footers
Okki Nokki MKII w/Clear Cover
Brushes, Weights, Gauge's, Fluids, Magnify glass, Misc
Dozen Brand New MOFI Records that have great user reviews
Sutherland Engineering Duo Mono Block Phonostage
Audioquest Fire RCA 1.0M Interconnects for phonostage
Audience AU24se LP 1.0M AC Cable for mono phono stage 
Audience AU24se LP 1.0M AC Cable for mono phono stage
Audioquest 1000 Niagara Conditioner (need 3 outlets for table/phono)
Audioquest Tornado 1.0M AC Cable for AQ Niagara Conditioner

This above is not a small $500 Project with built in phonostage but Also understand that my digital system is one that I have been refining over for over for a decade.

I have over $20k into my digital front end so yes I understand if it is better but I made a semi-substantial investment with the hope to get decent enough vinyl that I could at least appreciate the differences and the uniqueness of vinyl. 

God knows I've read a zillion times how much better vinyl is than digital. 

You seem to be the only one that knew what was going to happen with regards to my view on this? 

I listened to a half dozen records last night.

For starters it was by far the best sounding vinyl I have ever heard in my home and I was quite happy with this.

I am concerned that I set up my table without my digital tracking forces gauge because it won;t be here until Monday. I have not received my record washer yet, this system has not broken in yet?

I have not received  my Audioquest 1000 or Audioquest Tornado  yet so just using a cheap PS Audio Juice bar? People say that these tables need 20 or 30 hours to break in? My phono stage was only plugged in about 1/2 hour from getting from FedEx and all this said my hope is this is what is effecting the sound and it can and will get better?

Why do I hope all these things are effecting sound? Well because, I spend all the money to play with records and it sounds like mediocre digital at best?

Right now the best way to describe the sound is by memory and to put in digital terms.

Lets say I unplugged my Bricasti ethernet media player, my OCXO ethernet switch and LPS, all my other support linear power supplies and servers and removed my Bricasti M1SE DAC.

Then I replaced all this with a Cambridge 851 DAC and ran a regular consumer grade USB cable direct from Dell PC right into the Cambridge 851.

Now please understand. The 851 DAC is one solid little DAC and does a nice  job cleaning up the incoming usb signal and many people really like this set up but it in no way even remotely even approaches anything that resembles competing with my set up?  

I can only speak in terms of digital because it is all I know. 

Will break in, warm up, a record cleaner and digital gauge make that much of a change? I really hope so.

The thing that disapoibts me the most is not that it is not anywhere near as good as my Digital but there is noting unique or different about it?

All the things people say to desribe the very best analogue is what i hear with my Bricasti front end. The air, space, naturalness.

This set up I put together right now sounds like digital and not that good digital either. Not bad but no where near what I hoped?

Will it get better? Is there hope?

Do I need a $5000 cart and tube phonostage to get there.

Should I sell my Sutherland and power cables and pick up a Herron phonostage?

Any ideas?

I don't mind washer my records and stylus after every record as long as it sounds good?

Please let me know because vinyl has to be better than this? Maybe my system is too refined and I need really really good analogue to get to work? I mean the gear I bought is pretty good gear? 

What do you guys think?

Color me pretty disappointed :(

Not discouraged because in the end it is all fun to me. Heck it is audio and its my hobby so life is good. Just want to know what to do next?


Ok guys

I just put on MOFI - Brothers in Arms - Dire Straights and was like oh thank you - much much better.

This is more like it? This is a very nice sound and the direction i was hoping. So wow the difference between actual records is that much? That flat digital sound was gone and very pleasant sound was there.

I just realized that these’s are 45’s but the same size and not little ones like I thought they would be? Told you I am a newbie?

Anyways - this 45 sounds oh so much better.

I can’t believe the difference between records. I played a half dozen or so records and they all sounded similar and sort of crappy.

This sounded very nice?

Can you guys tell where I can get some nice sounding records like this?

I cant believe the difference in quality?

I guess my hope is with break in, proper tracking force set via digital gauge, record clean machine and  Stylus cleaner and some other records of this Brother in Arms quality or maybe better if possible then i might be able to pull this off?

Any recommendations on what records to buy and where?

I wanted to thank everyone for all of their help and advice with my vinyl journey. I really appreciate it and you guys helped me clear up a lot!

 My Digital set up that I am currently using is just too good. It's not just the DAC either. With digital everything matters. 

Honestly it wasn't even close. 

Here is what I bought for my vinyl front end.

Rega Planer 8 Turntable > RB880 Tonearm > Neo PSU
Rega Apheta 2 Cartridge
SRA Silent Running Audio Ohio Class Isolation Platform
Sutherland Engineering Duo Phono Stage
AudioQuest Fire RCA 1.0M Interconnects 
AudioQuest Niagara 1000 Power Strip
AudioQuest Tornado AC Cable to power the AQ Niagara 1000
(2) Audience Au24se LP Power Cables to power the 2-Duo's

This above setup is a pretty competent analogue set up. I admit that I didn't spend much time at all with it mainly because there was never a point where it ever even resembled a contest.

My hope was it would sound different and/or good enough to make me want pursue analogue. That was not the case. 

This digital set up below made it no contest. I am going to list my set up in event anyone wants to hear some of the best digital audio on the planet. I have been refining and trial and erroring my way to this set up for years and always tweaking for best performance so wanted to share with you guys.

This digital sounds nothing like digital that people write and speak about. Yes this digital set up is a lot more money so not really a fair fight but still the difference in audio quality was incredible so wanted to share. I don't understand why people even like analogue? I mean the above set up is about $18,000 in retail prices and it just don;t? Well at least I got to try it first hand and see for myself. 
Bricasti Design M1 Special Edition DAC
Bricasti Design built in M12 Ethernet Network Player
Symposium Acoustics Svelte Plus Isolation Platform
(4) Isoacoustic Iso-pucks under the Symposium Platform   
*SGC SonicTransporter Gen1 - SSD Roon Server w/J1900 10w cpu 
WD My Cloud 12v 2TB NAS powered via Breeze Linear Pwr Supply 
Uptone Audio JS-2 (2-Rails) Linear Pwr Supply
(4) Gent Audio Custom DC Cables (Canare Cable/Oyaide Plugs)
The Linear Solution OCXO Ethernet Switch  
The Linear Solution LPS-912 OCXO Regulated Linear Power Supply
AudioQuest Vodka RJ/E 1.0M Ethernet Cables
The Linear Solution Custom RJ/E 1.5M Ethernet Cable
Kubala-Sosna Elation 1.5M AC Power Cable
Kubala-Sosna Research Emotion XLR 1.5M Interconnects
Furutech GTX (R) Outlets
PS Audio Noise Harvesters (6)
Blue Circle Audio The Yalu Balula

* SGC is Small Green Computer: They make affordable and incredible sounding music servers that when pared to top flight power supplies, premium cables and SOTA DAC's perform incredible.  


Yes I agree -  I think a tube preamp - specifically a Herron phono I think would have helped a lot. Also, I think I probably had crappy records also.

My needle drop DSD Rips are to die for. Def not fair there either.

Sure they are new and no disrespect to Rega owners but not sure the Apheta 2 is the greatest cart either. I am sure the table is fine but a much better cart, Herron phono stage and some sweet, high quality records I am sure will provided much different results.

The one Dire Straights album I have sounds 1,000 times better than all others. The other ones I bought had all these great user reviews then I spun them and they sounded like crap. I am thinking what are those people thinking? Are all of their vinyl systems that better than mine or do what they think sounds good sound like crap to me? Not sure either way but when I try another set up which I will. I will take what I learned and apply it and make the above changes.

This time around wasn't too bad investment wise. I made about a $1000 bucks on all the gear listed above. A couple hundred here and there. 

I am not in this to make money but certainly am not looking to lose it either. I need it to apply elsewhere in my rig 

I make a point to try and buy right so if I don't like it I can move on to something else. Cover the shipping and PayPal fee;s and come away much smarter with a ham sandwich or two and that works for me. 

Doesn't always work like that but try to make smart decisions because I know how I am. If it doesn't sound good then I am a flipping it.

If anyone is curious every item up there sold within about 12 hours. Buying well thought of stuff helps I guess so when you buy it right you can sell it right and it sell quickly. 


Honestly I don't think its as much about the Rega as to do with my Digital. I wish I could have you hear my digital so I could get an honest, objective 3rd party opinion. My digital just vaporized the Rega. There was nothing even remotely close but I know there much be more to analogue then my tries at it. I have purposely chose gear that I knew if it didn't compete I could move and get my money back.

What about going the other way. I legit high end table, tube phonostage and good quality cart. What do you think about this combo?

I can get a great deal on it but if this one doesn't work I won't get my money back. I have been offered an incredible deal on this table.

LA PLATINE VERDIER Turntable - I will update the arm with it but its a good one.

This one has no arm but what is as an FYI

Hana MC Cart

This above combo will cost me about $3,500 more then my Rega combo. I would start with the Hana cart until I get save for a better one. He actually send me the Hana cart mounted for free to try and if I don't like I send it back and he will send me a better one and not charge for it but he thinks I will really like it. I sold my phonostage and IC's so will need to work that out. For phonostage I was thinking this one below.

Manley Chinook SE phonostage

My dealer told me, promised me if I don't love it I can send it back so I would need to also buy the Chinook and some IC;s but thinking about it.

What do you guys think?  

Guys - this is awesome info and I really appreciate it. I am going to give another analogue rig a shot for sure.

I got all my money back and actually made a couple bucks. Not much but the keys is no money lost and so I am going to take another crack at it for sure.

I’m at work now on my phone but will respond to all the folks that just send in comments. 

i spoke to Josh at Walker Audio and my Magico S5 MK II are in so I’m so psyched - I ordered these at Thanksgiving and they are on the Doc ready to ship to me.

They cannot release them until my trade in’s - S5 originals have a tracking number and are in possession of shipping company. I can’t wait.

its kind of a process though. They are over 200 pounds a peice and the big wooded crates in my basement are another 60 or 70 pounds. Needless to say I can’t pick these things up. I’ve got a furniture moving company coming and bringing the crates up from my basement and then loading my speakers in them that are in my great room then they are bringing to their warehouse that has a loading dock then Walkers Audio’s shipper is picking them up there. 

When my new ones land they bring them in my house and hopefully open and help me set up but we shall see I guess. They are so heavy but worth it. I love Magico and can’t wait to get the new MK II models. 

As far as Rega and the last thread response.

I wanted to like Rega and am not a Rega badger. I actually bought the P8 and Apheta 2 Cart and Sutherland Engineering Duo phonostage that won Stereophile Componet of the Year, AudioQuest Fire Interconnects and 2 Audience AU24se LP Power Cables for the phonostage and AudioQuest 1000 conditioner to plug in the phonostage and Rega Neo PSU Audioquest Tornado AC Cable for the 1000 so this isn’t crappy stuff. I did all I could to get this Rega to sound good but it just didn’t at lease compared to my digital rig.

Hate to say it but honestly it sounded like half decent mid fi at best. No contest. It sounded nothing like real music never mind good Hi-Fi. Bummer because I really wanted to like it. Give Rega credit though got all my money back. 
Yes that is what I wanted to be competitive or maybe not even but rather good or different enough to enjoy the difference but there was such a drop off that nothing about it was fun.

I mean its a pain in the neck verse clicking my iphone but still was so was hoping it would be enticing enough to want to do it. I just had no urge to listen to it at all :( was a bummer really as I really wanted to like it. 
Misguided?? I mean you could say wrong or erroneous but misguided? How does that make sense?

I got good advice and followed directions?

Sure, I am sure if it was more broken in it would have been much better but how much better? 10 times better, 100 times better?

Maybe, I can tell you I just saw no night at the end of the tunnel?

It just gave me nothing to make me want to try to stick with it? I was just like - ya - no thanks.

Next, this hobby is great and fun and I love it but I have been at long enough to know what sounds good and what doesn't. My wife - total non audiophile said "why does it sound like that"? I knew it wasn't just me being picky.. 

It very well could have improved a great deal. I don't doubt that at all but it wasn't for me. I read over and over people say how great it sounds out of the box and how it just gets better and better. 

Not my experience but that doesn't mean it isn't for others but it just wasn't for me. Honestly, if people like how that TT sounds then I recommend they buy a used 2nd hand Bricasti M1 with Ethernet server player for just a few grand more then tell me what you think.

I mean that set up cost quite a but of money. It was not cheap at all when you look at table, the cart, the dual phono's, the IC's, the PC's and the conditioner. Maybe they will prefer the Rega over the M1 but I doubt it, not if it sounds like it did in my room. Its a bummer too because I wanted to like the Rega and I like the brand and how they roll and what they stand but it just didn't work out for me.

I have been trying to decide if I should try another TT set up or maybe upgrade my pass amp and sim preamp to a Luxman M-900u and C-900u. Selling off my analogue front end with the proceeds I am thinking of applying that doe with trading my amp/pre and changing to the Luxman flagship combo.

Part of me wants to try another table and the other part is telling me to try these Luxy twins.  
Great info... maybe I gave up too early. I don’t doubt that. As far as my room 1/2 room is over garage and other half over my basement. Yes maybe that contributed.

i had it on a Solid Tech Hybrid Rack with Silent Running Audio OHIO Class Isolation platform but still maybe these is somthing to my floors or something? I’ve never had a problem with anything before but who knows? My house was made in 88/89 so not too old or anything like that? Seems pretty sturdy but not sure. I had the cart mounted by OEM and didn’t mess with it with fear of messing it up? 

They say Rega is great - that you set the tracking downforce and put in your rack and rock it but not sure but obviously something was wrong? I mean I’m a pretty smart person and I’m a long time Audiophile so if I can’t do it how come so many other have? 

Who knows?? 
Lol.. Great point and I agree but the reason is mainly because its the only thing in audio where what I read and hear does not equal my experience.

There is no way my digital is that good. Trust me - it is outstanding but it can’t be that much better because thousands and or maybe millions of people love it and what I have experienced can’t be what others love so much. Just can’t be.

I must be missing something somewhere.. That is why I bought a Rega thinking even if it is not the greatest it is plug and play so I can’t screw up and get a baseline understanding of what it is. I can say this that I have tried three different analogue set up’s and the Rega was the best but still not really that good? Ok I guess but I don’t understand??

Your right I should and may just stick with digital but honestly I really want to enjoy what Fremer and the other millions get to enjoy but for whatever reason is has alluded me?

Here are my 3 tries at analogue. Now the first set up was a real esoteric set up and the cart’s output impedance was so low the thought was that I needed to rewire my arm to VPI junction box so sold it and didn’t know how or want to do that and not even sure that was the problem and the 2nd go round I had 2 bad back to back carts (wish I tried a 3rd one but dumped it) the third go round just wasn’t really good. It was by the far the best but could not even begin to compete with my digital. Maybe the 4th will be a charm or maybe I will just buy a Luxman C-900u and M-900u combo and stick with digital?

1st try
VPI Prime Turntable
Haniwa Audio HCTR01 Cartridge
HEQA01 Phono Stage Equalizer preamp
Cardas Clear RCA Interconnects
PS Audio P10 Conditioner
HiDiamond P3 AC Cable

2nd try
VPI Aries 3D Limited Edition (#47 of 100) Turntable
Denon DL-301 Cartridge
Mark Levinson No.326s w/Phono Stage
Cardas Clear RCA Interconnects
PS Audio P10 Conditioner
HiDiamond P3 AC Cable

3rd try
Rega Planer 8 Turntable
Rega Apheta 2 Cartridge
Sutherland Engineering Duo - mono block Phono Stage
AudioQuest Fire RCA Interconnects
AudioQuest Niagara 1000 Conditioner
AudioQuest Tornado AC Cable

Great info and thank you 

yes I probably should stick to digital and may but I’ve been offering terms on a Verdier Plantine Turntable w/Schick 12” Black/Black Arm and Ortofon Winfeld Cart and am considering it. 

I will still need a phonostage and can’t find a used Herron and can’t afford a new one so thinking maybe a Allnic 1201 or Manley Chinook SE? I don’t care I don’t own a ton of albums. I work a ton and don’t have that much time and am fine buying one or two a week and building it up.

Here is what I want: 

i want, I want to check my tracking force, clean my record of choice and dab clean my cart and then drop the needle on the record and sit back and be like - Yeah - that’s what I’m talking about right there! 

Have it sound great. So many people do this and it has alluded me. Maybe I do it and then decide I’m too lazy and go back to digital but I have not had a analog set up that sounds decent compared to my digital. It’s a different sound or a taste thing. The set ups I’ve put together have been vastly inferior to my digital system in an overwhelmingly instantly recognized way. Nothing about it is unclear. It’s just no where near as good and I’d still like to get close if for no other reason then stubbornness. Do you think this set up has a chance? Thanks