New PrimaLuna Evo's

Hi, has anyone tried and heard the new PrimaLuna Evo amps against the PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium HP amps, there seems to be a big jump up in price of the Evo amps? s

Showing 1 response by decooney

On any of the PL amps, HP, EVO, Non-HP, you have not heard them until you get those plastic film coupling caps replaced with copper foils from Jensen or Jupiter. Takes you much closer to the sound of the VAC amps.

True with many well made amplifiers. Glad to also report I’ve realized real benefit in my last four amplifiers even replacing good caps with "great" caps can make a remarkable and very rewarding improvement after full burn-in cycle is completed.

I started comparing higher end optional upgrade caps used in TOTL Cary amplifiers and began installing the same caps in all of my Cary Audio and Quicksilver Audio tube amplifiers and preamplifiers. Worth it every time.