New Preamp Suggestions

I have an M3A full function preamp. I have had it and an M3 over the last 15 years. When I first purchased the AI, I wanted a tube preamp to balance out my SS power amp. I now have a pair of Quicksilver V-4's. The problem I am having is what to shop for, especially since there are so few full function preamps, even if I go to $5-6K. SS, Tube or trade up to an AI 3B (at considerable savings about 50%)? Also does it make sense to spend that much money on a linestage and get a budget outboard phonostage? I also haven't heard a M3B yet and don't know if it mostly a lateral move. Obviously I am not unhappy with the AI, but I want to try something of a newer design and this will likely be a last preamp purchase.

Showing 1 response by jmcgrogan2

You can find a good used VAC or Cary full function preamp for $2-4K. I have owned both, their sound is a bit different, but both are very good. The VAC is more detailed and refined, while the Cary is sweeter sounding.

Currently I am running a full function Cary SLP-98P F1 w/ MC phono stage. I liked the VAC Standard better with tube amps, but after switching back to SS amps, I like the bit of extra sweetness that the Cary provides.