New preamp experience

Through the years, I have changed amps, speakers, front end components and various cabeling topologies many times across a large range of tube and solid state systems but the constant was always my Cary SLP05 preamp. I always perceived it to be the best pre I had ever heard and it is very adaptable and capable of applications on both sides of the fence. The 300b Coincident Frankenstien Monoblocks that I purchased sounded really great through this pre but O MY GOSH!! I just recieved the Coincident Statement Linestage pre amp and now I'm wondering..maybe the choice of preamp has all along been my weakest link. This preamp is absolutely incredable. I guess I learned a lesson here.

Showing 8 responses by charles1dad

Congratulations,trusting your ears appears to be exactly what you`ve done.I`ve had this splendid amplifier and linestage combo for 3 1/2 years so I appreciate your genuine joy.Marcus, I thought you were using a VAC REN 30/30 amp in place of the Frankensteins?
Hi Marcus,
Thanks for the kind comments.The Ocellia is one of those small and
relatively unknown companies that produce very special excellent
products.I think you'll be more than impressed with the addition of these to
your already very fine system. The cables are open, transparent and most
of all natural and will be ideal with the caliber and character of your system.
Marcus, you have two superb amplifiers and can't go wrong with either.This
is a system that can keep you satisfied for a lifetime if you so choose.

Brownsfan, I know precisely what you mean.From viewing your system and
reading your posts in the past I really believed that the CSL would be a true
asset to your beautiful and well thought out system.Given your musical
taste I can't imagine a better fit than the CSL to exploit the wonders of your
classical music collection.It must sound heavenly.

Oh I almost forgot, Marcus, the Ocellia silver cables sound good straight
from the box and just continue to improve steady over roughly 100
hours.Let me know your lmpressions once you've become familiar with
Marcus and Brownsfan, you along with recent CSL owners Thankful and Obrennon have with your satisfaction driven home a belief of mine. In general I'll select simple over the more complex when it comes to matters of audio, I.e. keep the signal path as simple as is reasonable. So a direct source to amplifier or use of a passive preamp should be my preference. It isn't, the exception of my keep it simple stance is with active line stages. For me a top quality preamp is essential for obtaining better sound and increasing realism in a system.This has been debated endlessly but all of the recent enthusiasm that new CSL owners are experiencing is what I have felt.The key is high quality active or otherwise the passive approach would be the better path.
A friend of mine has the ModWright modified Oppo 105 and I've heard it
extensively and it's superb.It clearly outperforms his former modified Oppo
95 and also the much more expensive Playback Designs MPS-5 player he
had in the past. So your observation is right on the mark. This latest
ModWright with the CSL would equal or better many considerably more
costly front ends IMO.Dan Wright and Israel Blume (Coincident) are worthy
of genuine accolades for what they've accomplished with these stellar
components. Supreme music reproduction for less than uber price.
Marcus why not keep both and have top level 300b SET amp and a top level 300b push pull version? How often do you use the VAC now?
Hi Pdreher,
Aren't you using the VAC REN 70 watt amp? Is there a sonic difference between the two Renaissance models besides the power? I'm curious as I usually prefer the lower power versions of otherwise identical amplifiers. But mine is a somewhat minority position.
It would seem an option to remove 1/2 the output tubes and effectively convert the REN 70/70 to a 30/30, or is there more to it than that?