Ligeti, Messiaen, Penderecki and so on.

There doesn't seem to be much by way of Neue Musik in the archived threads. Shall we get one going on this contemporary niche?

Comments/sugg'ns re literature, interpretations or just stuff from bookmark files etc. are all welcome. A first post will follow shortly.

Showing 2 responses by shubertmaniac

Ligeti. 1st and 2nd String Quartets
Schnittke. 1-6 Concerto Grosso; 1-8 Symphony; Piano Quintet
and Piano Trio
Webern: all the instrumental pieces; the lied are very hard
to take (hard to believe but some of his works are almost
100years old now!)
Berg: if you like opera try Wozzeck; Lulu is ok
Bartok: his six string quartets IMHO are the creme de creme
of the 20th century, some are more freely chromatic than
A. Part: highly emotive mystical tone poems

What do you think of Philip Glass? I am not sure if I do but I have his Glassworks CD. Reminds of a repetitive 3 chords garage band song. Over and Over and Over.......

BTW: I can only play most Modern Music when my wife is away.
She hates the stuff. She says if she had to listen to it
she would kill herself in about an hour.....
Agonanon: Ah! Schubert's No.8.......For something a little
off the beaten path, try a recreated No.7 and No.10. Both
are from part scores that were orchestrated by Berbould.
The No.10's second movement(only 3), was almost Mahlerian
in sublimity, shows where the composer was headed.

New/Art Music: Berio's Voci II, Kim Kashashian, viola.
ECM New Series. Hard to understand, and at times extremely
dissonant, but worth pursuing if you like Kim's viola
playing (which I do, she plays Brahms' Opus 120, clarinet/
viola sonatas, with a rich, warm tone)