new Magico speakers the Q5

seen on their Website

Showing 8 responses by mapman

Yay, another speaker design from Magico that I suppose few will be able to afford.

I guess we just get to look at pictures and drool for now. Not much info on the site, kind of like walkig into a fancy Soho boutique with 5 items on know that they will carry a hefty price tag.. Oh, and the nav on the site is very clunky and user un-friendly.

BTW I think Magicos sound great, but I am not a boutique kind of guy in general.
Looks like they'll enable Magico to be more cost competitive with mbl 101s and such. Are these Magicos for smaller rooms or can they really compete with the mbls in larger rooms?
I like MAgico minis but I also like PSB, OHM, Dynaudio, Triangle and others that cost much less. I know I could live with these others, not sure about Magico, I would have to listen some more.

After all, overbuilding is fine but there is only so much more new teechnology can squeeze out of box X, drivers and crossover no matter how well built. MAgico isn't the only one and they are not for everyone either despite the cost.

To me at least mbl is takes a radical and unique direction that helps differentiate their gear from the pack for better or for worse.

But yes, there is a place for Magico and I give them credit for apparently being as successful as they are. CIty dwellers in tight quarters with money to spend will find them attractive.
Beware telling a Magico dealer that you like what you hear. I've had the experience of a dealer attempting to ridicule me for questioning the value. They sounded good to me so I should be willing to write my check for over $30000 immediately, a 50% price increase from the year before, else I am a fool, right? Wrong. They were not that good! I can select from many very fine speakers that also sound fantastic for that kind of change, some at a fraction of the cost. There are many nice fish in the sea!
"Sorry, it just doesn't add up."

Actually, it probably does.

Magico's appeal is its no compromise focus on quality. That does carry a price in terms of R&D and associated overhead costs. ANd their products do deliver sterling sound.

All I'm saying is that does not assure value nor does it mean that others cannot do similarly well for lower cost.
What is the sonic advantage of using aluminum for the box?

Doesn't using metal of any kind rather than wood have an effect on the resulting sound? I would think it would impart a unique tone. Not necessarily better, but unique, which is not a bad thing. At these price points, you want a speaker to distinguish itself clearly from the competition.

When I heard Magicos, the upper midrange and top end is what I remember as having a distinct good sound. Just not sure if it was better, but definitely unique.

Avalons have a unique sound too when I heard them.

So do mbls.

It makes sense to me that speakers in this price range will seek to distinguish themselves sonically from teh pack somehow. That usually means no one will be everyones cup of tea. What's wrong with that? As long as people like them and have the $$$s to buy them, they will do fine I suppose.

I will not lose much sleep about not being able to afford any of them (at least until my kids are out of college perhaps) in any case.

"it's best to put on a record or CD to make your case"

So true.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could hear what we talk about here on Agon in real world fidelity over the internet?

Ironic that with a web site we can only talk about this stuff and never actually hear a darn thing meaningful to back up what we say!
My impressions of Magico minis when I have heard them were similar to Kirbyfels. The silkiness in the highs lent themselves uniquely well to massed violins and such in good orchestral recordings