@decooney Many thanks for your thoughtful response. My A5s are powered by McIntosh MC611s. These are mono amplifiers that output 600 watts are 8, 4, and 2 ohms. Consequently, I don’t think that my amplification is the cause of my near-term concern.
@ all I am impressed by, and most appreciative of, the thoughtfulness of all who have taken the time to respond to my inquiry. I would like to add that I also bought Magico's ACC as my new center channel speaker. Last night, my wife and I watched episodes of Matlock and Reaper. We always have subtitles engaged because it is hard for us to grasp all the dialogue. Afterwards, both of us were surprised that we weren't reading the subtitles. The ACC reproduced the dialogue so clearly that we were able to understand everything said. It was remarkable! I strongly recommend the Magico ACC as a center channel speaker.