New Mag 3.7i vs Sonus Faber/Wilson/Mcint 2nd hand?

I am looking to upgrade my speakers.  I am pondering between new Mag 3.7i’s ($6600) to second hand Wilson Sofia 3’s or second hand Sonus Faber Olympia II’s or McIntosh XR100’s which all seem to be in the same price bracket.
I have heard the 1.7i in the past and really Was taken by them.  Any thoughts? recommendations?
You have to decide if you like flat panels or not. The Maggies can do wonderful things if you can put them where they need to be placed and have the power to drive them. 
Running subs opens your options (I also run duel subs). The bass is really where the Sophia shines over the others. But with the subs the others might pull ahead. Especially if you highpass. If you are not high passing your subs I bet that would improve your system as much as new speakers. Something like the JL CR-1. 

There are used Sabrinas for around 10k too. They would be very comparable to the Olympica line. I have demoed them too. The Sabrina is probably just a hair harsher in relative terms in the upper mids than the Olympica (from memory in different systems so huge grain of salt here…) and the Sabrina has a little more bass impact. Highs are comparable. 
Thanks james633 for your input. it seems that I am zooming in on a pair of 3.7i’s. the next step would be an amp upgrade, and then testing the JL CR-1 equipment.  I am always wondering how can one know (especially a toddler audiophile...) where to invest?  After an initial phase of speakers and amps...  where do you go next?  better interconnects or power cords? a unit like the CR-1? a DAC..... it’s a never ending story, a journey really :)