New Luxman 507Z Integrated coming in October.

This is the first of the new updated Luxman integrated line. Some additions a needle type red LED between the meters to show volume. This can be turned on or off. ODNF has been replaced w/the latest sound /amplification feedback system called LIFES (Luxman integrated feedback system) This is also in their new amp the M-10X which is replacing the 900U. They are also improving the phono w/a new phono equalizer for MM/MC. The headphone amplifier has also been improved. Power 110 wpc at 8 ohms and 220 wpc at 4 ohm. Price $around $6200 includes tax. My local dealer is having his annual audio show in November. Luxman is going to be there so hopefully this integrated will be displayed.

Showing 2 responses by luxmancl38

From what my dealer told me there will be an updated version of the 590AXii. They will use some of the internal upgrades from the Class A 595 SE integrated. Also look for the TT's to return. They are in the process of designing their own tonearm to replace the discontinued Jelco arm.

Other changes are coming. 2025 marks the company's 100th year. So it will be releasing more upgrades.