Hey All,

Brand new member here but a frequent lurker and frequent AK poster.
Had to jump in on this conversation as I picked up a lovely pair of Forte III about a year ago for a great price used, locally. Mint condition.

I upgraded from my Heresy 1 which I really loved.
So, here’s the kicker. A friend heard my III and decided he HAD to have a pair so I accompanied him to a local dealer for an audition. We were able to A/B/C between the Forte III, IV and the Heresy IV.
I felt the Fortes were very similar. So much so that I didn’t feel compelled to run out and upgrade. To be fair, the store had less than optimal acoustics for critical listening.
Now, here’s the kicker: I was absolutely stunned at how great the Heresy IV were. I know it’s a subjective thing but they just “grabbed” me more. Now, I’m not ready to run out and look for a pair but if a great price presented itself I might just do it.
I will note that my Heresy I were pretty painful at higher volume using a solid state amp but sounded perfect using tubes (Pilot 240 EL84). The Forte III DEFINITELY present with a slightly subdued “sharpness”. I’ve found I can now use solid state with the III pretty comfortably.
I had a pair of Cornwall II for a very short time and didn’t like them. I was (am) shocked because of their stellar reputation. I still wonder if it was me or that there was something wrong with them.
Sorry for the long post but I love talking about and hearing opinions on these fantastic speakers.
So, if a pair of Forte IV dropped in my lap I’d take ‘em but, if I were to add a second pair of speakers if they came up locally for a steal, I’d love to have another pair of Heresy. Preferably the IV!

If you can step, or find a good price on a used pair, the Cornwall IV is a Much better speaker than the previous iterations of the Cornwall in their Heritage line up. It’s general consensus that the Cornwall IV is the most improved Heritage speaker in the Series IV line up of Heritage speakers.

Cornwall IVs are starting to show up on the used market pretty regularly. I just sold my pair a couple of weeks ago. They are really as good as everyone says, try to hear them if you can.
