New KLE Innovations XLR Cable

The PingPing brothers have spotted a new cable from KLE Innovations.

This one is an XLR cable and there was much excitement when first heard of. After success with Copper Harmony RCA and Absolute Harmony RCA (we shall not speak of Silver Harmony or Pure Harmony), expectation for successful XLR connector was big time. But for a company that is making best connectors, it was much disappointment to see that Neutrik XLR connectors are used on new cable. Why does this happen? Yes, Neutrik are good and cheap studio standard, but KLE Innovations advertise as ultra-high end audio company - where is KLE Innovations XLR. Disappointing.

Showing 5 responses by williewonka

To other people reading this thread, both of the above posts are both very interesting...

I have to ask - Has either of you actually tried these cables???

If not - then exactly what is your motive in slamming a cable you have not tried ?

If you have tried them - then how do they compare to other well known brands of cables?

Did either of you bother to find out whether the XLR connectors were in fact one of Neutrik’s cheaper XLR connectors?

Perhaps Nuetrik is making a custom spec’d cable just for KLE Innovations - did you ask KLE Innvations that?

Also - If KLE Innovations had used a more expensive connector would they then be accused by "the Ping Ping Brothers" of using high priced connectors just to entice audiophiles to purchase their cables?

Granted, KLE Innovations web site literature has caused some "debate" on Audiogon in the past, but they have corrected that.

Ypingping - It’s interesting that many of your posts contain negative comments about KLE Innovations products.

So it seems that this thread serves no other purpose than to persuade people NOT to try them and it smacks of a competitor trying to sway peoples opinion away from this product.

Are you a competitor ?

I hope I’m wrong, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

Regards - Steve
@maxima95 - A simple email to KLE Innovations revealed that Neutrik actually built the XLR plugs to KLE Innovations spec. 

So perhaps they were not as "cheap" as the original poster "suggested" ?

And if I could find that out, why couldn't the PingPing brothers?

From that perspective, KLE Innovations are smart - why build a completely new plug when you can have a reputable company like Neutrik make a plug to your spec. After all developing a new plug would be much more expensive, so the savings are passed on to the consumer.

As for propaganda machine ...
- yes I have provided lots of positive feedback about KLE Innovations products, mainly because I have used a number of their connectors and cables for prolonged periods and found them to provide outstanding performance, 
- I have also raved about many other products from other manufacturers I have found to provide outstanding performance - so I guess those comments are propaganda also?
- based on my observations,  I decided to pass on my findings via this forum. I thought it would be helpful, not propaganda.

So you see, I do not see my postings as propaganda - I see them as providing a valuable information service on the performance of the various products I have used or reviewed, passed to the members of Audiogon.

My apologies - no was offense intended - Steve

@ypingping - WRT...

worried like me about Neutriks with nickel and brass in their construction
I assume you are talking about the important part - the pins?

Looking at the neutrik web site will reveal that several models of their plugs do use silver pated pins - granted with a nickel substrate.

Except for this one...

It uses Silver plating directly onto brass (no Nickel) so it should provide better performance than the other models

Here is a review of the cable

Seems they are quite taken by it
Regards - Steve

ypingping - you misinterpret my posts...
These response from Mr. Wonka confuse me. First Neutrik XLRs are specially modified for KLEI by Neutrik. Now it seems that Neutrik plugs are very good anyway, and justified as audiophile XLR.

What I said above is
Looking at the neutrik web site will reveal that several models of their plugs do use silver pated pins - granted with a nickel substrate.
Then I go on to identify a plug that does not use a nickel substrate, just silver plate on brass pins, which should perform better than those having silver plate with Nickel substrate

So your statement below is not completely accurate and very misleading because people may chose to believe the plugs on the KLEI cables are of a lower quality as you infer in prior posts.
worried like me about Neutriks with nickel and brass in their construction
As it turns out Neutrik does in fact produce higher quality plugs using better materials that may be better suited to high end audio purposes - I did NOT say they were suitable as an Audiophile XLR

As for this statement from Neutrik via JKG...
But some news from friend, JKG. He emails Neutrik, and they nicely respond to him: "Thank you for contacting Neutrik. Performance of any connector is normally highly dependent on the cable carrying the signal. With that being said, I am not aware of any modifications to our XLR for better performance.
Any company contracting another company to build items to their spec will have them sign a nondisclosure agreement, preventing them from commenting on their specific build. So I doubt very much that the information above which JKG received was specific to KLEI related products, but more a general statement about Neutrik’s own product line.

Anyhow - I think we have beaten this topic to death but here are the facts as we KNOW them
- KLE Innovations uses "some model" of connector built to spec by Neutrik
- do either of us know the specific metallurgy used in those plugs? - NO WE DO NOT!
- do the cables using them get a good review from an independent party - it would appear so

Casting Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) is a ploy used to discredit a product based on no actual "EVIDENCE"

I will end this post by simply asking readers to make their own judgement about the content in all of the above posts and come to their own conclusions about KLE Innovations quality and integrity
- YES, KLEI have had issues with statement on their web site in the past - this has been fixed for approximately 2 years - I think we should move on.

From MY perspective, I have auditioned lots of KLE Innovations products and found them to perform significantly better than products from some ot the BIG NAMES in the industry, such as Kimber Kable, Cardas and even Nordost, who I regard very highly.

Based on my observations of KLE Innovations products I would have to believe the observations posted in the review below are accurate

Here is a review of the cable - again

Regards - Steve

ypingping - RE:...
What is specification for special KLEI Neutrik XLRs?
All will be revealed in time - we'll just have to wait and see :-)

Regards - Steve