New KEF KC62 Not Responding?

Hi all. I just tried adding a KC62 to my Ragnarok 2 / LS50 Meta system. Per KEF documentation, I connected the Ragnarok preamp out to LFE (L) and Smart Connect (R) inputs on the KC62 and set the subwoofer in Manual mode.

Fire up "Dark Side of the Moon" on the turntable and... nothing. The KC62 just sits there with orange (standby?) light on and does not turn green.

I expect that I'm missing something really obvious and appreciate any help here. I've emailed KEF and Schiit but have not heard back yet. Thanks in advance.


Showing 1 response by mspot

Which output mode are you using on the Ragnarok 2? The pre-outs are active in headphone+speaker and headphone-only modes. Pre-outs are not active in speaker-only mode (in other words, you need to select a mode that includes headphones). It is in the owners manual. I and many others think this is very strange.

See Jason Stoddard’s comments: