New-ish to Audiogon Forums... Is it always like this?

I have been trying to be more involved in the forums over the last couple weeks, and I'm noticing a trend already. It seems that when someone asks for a recommendation for a piece of equipment, they provide little to no room/system context. In a couple threads, I've asked the OP to provide more information, such as system information, preferences, requirements, and the like, and ended not getting much more information. The thread ends up being a running list of members' favorite gear, whether it really helps the OP or not. Is this the norm? If so, I'll probably stop trying to be more involved.

Showing 1 response by onhwy61

This is not a good forum for true beginners.  Someone has to have enough knowledge to ask specific questions and than know enough to weed through the responses.  It can be confusing because so many people responding have their own biases.  It's not as if they have ill intentions.  They just think they know what's right because that what they have done and they generalize.  And I would agree that so many posts do not include enough system and listener information to make an informed response.  But that doesn't stop forum users from offering their advice anyway.