New high end processor

Hi all, I am in the market for a processor to power My PMC speakers. I currently have a 5.1 system but in the near future it will be expanded to a 7.1 or 7.2 possibly with atmos. I have parasound halo amps. I have been in a holding pattern with a Denon 3400 with which I am not enamored and have yet ot hook up my amps. So, my budget is 5k. I have seen the Marantz 8500, Avm 60 and the Yamaha Cx 5200 on line. I am sure that there are others, and updates for this year? Suggestions?

Thank you
Good prepros are obviously pricey, and if HT is super important to you there’s no getting around that. Me? 2-channel is far more important and HT is a fun treat I just want to be good enough for me to enjoy, which doesn’t really require uber-expensive gear in my case. Anyway, if this somewhat describes you I’d buy a decent AVR for processing and powering center, surround, ATMOS speakers and a really good stereo pre that plays nice with your nice front L/R speaks and stereo amp. For example, you can get a Yamaha Aventage RXA1080 for about $700 from (or an Anthem AVR if you want to kick it up a notch) and have a bunch left over for a really nice stereo pre like a used JC-2BP or Pass X1 that will likely outperform a $5k prepro for critical stereo listening (not to mention you’ll have a much wider selection of stereo preamps to choose from than good prepros). Just another way to go if you’re more of a 2-channel guy. Best of luck in your search.
Look at the Monolith HTP1. Hasn’t seemed to have had the numbers of bugs that many high names have had. If you want all the bells and whistles with very good sound, but not quite the same level as the Monolith, then the top of the line Marantz is a very solid unit. 
Still pondering.... I do want the all in one box solution at least for this time and not crazy complicated to set up. And yes I do like music which has been missing in my room. 
So, if you get a prepro you’ll need another box to power your HT speakers, so two boxes right? The Anthem MRX 720 AVR is on sale at Anthem for $2k, and I’m not sure what else the AVM 60 offers but the 720 seems pretty dang good and takes care of your HT processing/amplification in one box. And it leaves you $3k for a nice stereo pre, which you just take the front L/R pre outs from the 720 into the stereo pre and you’re done again with only two boxes, but now you’ve got a superior preamp in the chain for critical 2-channel listening. Switch between HT and stereo with the push of one button, and in 2-channel the Anthem is completely out of the chain. Couldn’t be simpler really (I did this for years before I had a dedicated listening room), and that’s certainly what I’d do if I had your speakers and amps. FWIW, and again best of luck.
On paper, the AVM60 offers two advantages that may or may not matter to you: balanced outputs and a dedicated headphone amp. In reality the main advantage is the ability and flexibility to add better and or more powerful amplifier channels than those built into their receivers.