New Firmware for Playback Designs MPS-5

I received this email today.It is great that Playback Designs continues to develop/improve what is already an outstanding player.
The website also has a notice relating to this firmware upgrade but at this stage I cannot find any further info regarding the audio consequences or otherwise of this update.
I am sure this will follow soon but any additional info would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 3 responses by larryng

Just for everyone , MPS-5 Update available as #026 .
Does anyone have any opinion on the USB-X box , seems little talks on this small add-on box , I have chance to get hold of one used , any advice on this little box ?
I own MPS-5 and never did any update though I have all files downloaded and stored in my PC . Hearing yours comments , it urges me to do my first upgrade , just wish to know , is it OK to jump to the latest update file and is updating real easy as ABC , any points needed to attend to ?

Thanks !