New Eggleson Works speaker?

I just saw a picture of the new Eggleston Works "The Nine" speaker ($12,900) from the 2007 CES. Does anyone know anything more about this speaker or what the latest news is from Eggleston? I have tried to e-mail the company.
I heard "the nine" at Rogue audio and McCormack show rooms At the McCormack room, speakers were powered by DNA500 with a new preamp? Dont know how much and the name but sounded fantastic (Steve designed for Grand Prix audio). They sounded great. I think Jim Thompson said they will not be ready until March of this year. I found "the nine" to be more coherence than my AndraIIs, mainly due to set-up. I did most of my listening with the Rogue set-up (Zeus+ new reference linestage about $7.5K)