New edition of Harley's guide on the way


I just got the 5th edition last year, so I may get this one out of the library, but I'm curious what it may say about streaming and other changes since the last edition.

Any views about what the new edition must cover for *you* to be interested?

Showing 1 response by kennyc

+1 @ghdprentice
Fantastic book. Nothing like it. Invaluable audio reference and tips from an established audio writer. Coming from zero high-end audio knowledge I read this 5th edition book end to end - it gave me a solid foundation in understanding component technologies and what to look for when purchasing components. It’s like an encyclopedia of audio written in layman’s terms. The only drawback is it’s somewhat expensive $45 price, but it’s a thick book for the small niche audiophile market which seems to justify it’s pricing. Just ordered sixth edition.

I believe that both @stereo5 and Overature Audio in MD came to the wrong conclusion regarding unsold Harley books. I surmise Audiophile shoppers visit audiophile brick n mortar stores to evaluate components, get sales opinions and guidance. Typical customers emphasizes upgrading their audio chain sonics which is not the same as becoming more knowledgeable about high-end audio- the Harley book is not necessary for this activity.