New Dedicated Line - Almost No improvement


Newbie here and electrical idiot. Just moved to a new to us house in Tampa. Before we moved in I had an electrician put in a dedicated line (has it's own breaker switch) which is 10 gauge and two Furutech GTX-D outlets - Rhodium.

When I hooked up the EMI meter in my old house, which didn't have a dedicated line, the reading was usually around 26 or so IIRC. At the new house the outlets are 89 usually and the dedicated line is usually around 82 - so not much help for the cost of the "project" and pretty noisy.

Also, when the ac /hvac is running the meter reads about 100 points higher (!) for both the regular outlets and the dedicated Furutechs. Not good.

Thoughts? Does the dedicated line need it's own breaker box? 

I'm also considering a line conditioner but wanted to see what could be done here. Thanks.


Showing 2 responses by denverfred

When I had a dedicated line installed, my system improved slowly over the first 30 days or so of breakin. After that . . . sweet tunes whatever the cause.

Re: my often mentioned dedicated line which I love more than I should at my age.

I had pros install a new master switch panel/breakers along with my new line. The codes have changed so much since my place was built that they had to update all the way back to the next split. I'm just beginning to understand why they left the back wall of my house relatively festooned with big new copper decorations!

Ground rules! 😀🙄