New dac

Hello everyone. 

  My question today deals with my dac and my quest for something better. I have a PS audio digital link iii that I believe might be the weak link in my system. What l like about the dac is its soundstage and clarity, but I find the bass lacking some punch. Not so much the lower octives but more the mid bass. I'm more a music lover then a technical audiophile so please bare with me while I try to describe the sound I'm lacking.

System includes 
Belles Aria int. amp
Bluesound node 2
PS audio digital link iii
Vandersteen sig 2Dr sig 2
Integra dpc7.7
Audioquest Gibraltar speaker wires
Audioquest Colorado ICs



Showing 1 response by ferrox

Previously, I owned PS Audio Directstream..I should say, it was a very nice DAC for the price. I love it when they keep updating the firmware and each time, it gave me different sound flavor.

Later I sold it and replaced it with Lampizator Golden Gate which I really enjoy until today. Planning to update to Lampizator Pacific DAC in the next few months.

Check out this brand because they have many level of DAC which might suit your budget.