New D'Agostino Monoblocks...$250,000

The new D’Agostino Relentless monoblocks cost $250,000 per pair.
They weigh in at 485 pounds.
1500 wpc @ 8 ohms...   3000 wpc @ 4 ohms...   6000 wpc @ 2 ohms.
Gorgeous looking amps for sure and I’m sure they perform like crazy.

Be sure to invite me over when you take delivery of your pair.

Showing 1 response by esthlos13

Consumption makes the world go around. Pays taxes, pays wages, etc. it’s good for those who make and those who consume. And then we get to benefit from the trickle down.  Why hold anything against folks who have enough money to spend on these?  I don’t but certainly fine with those who do.